Has anyone else had this "-BLAM-" problem?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by OzPatriot, May 28, 2009.

  1. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    Ok I am nearing the end of my map which I have been working on for a couple of weeks now. Last night when I was "saving and quiting" to put a guide in place, I came back to the menu only to be told that my map was now to be called -BLAM-. The thing is I do alot of save and quits while making my maps and I have been saving over the same map for the entire time.

    The map name was simply Tower, that was not going to be the final name, just a name to describe it until I find a name. I tryed saving as a new map with the name "Tower1" and I still got the same thing.

    I tryed again with numbers and got the same thing again. I have got it to work but only sometimes and any description I enter in also labeled -BLAM-.

    I have put a **** load of work into this current map I am working on and will be cut if I can't give it a name :(...

    I was wondering if anyone here had had the same problem and if so how did they fix it?? Can it be fixed?? Im getting a little worried about it and don't want to keep going until this is rectified.

    Any help will be appreciated.
  2. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    That usually happens when you get disconnected from XBL or you name it offline or something, at least that happens when I name my maps. I want to say "the name is already taken" or something, but I've seen a few maps that have the same name.
  3. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Yea, I used to think that I got that error cause I have vodka in my gamertag, and Bungie are a bunch of puritanical mofos who won't put alcohol names on things. Eventually I realized that it had to do with disconnecting from Live.
  4. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Just call it "super ossum map".

    If that gets blammed, call it "**** you, Bungie"

    For some reason the word assault is blammed which gets annoying when I play back neutral assault clips of orbital and end up saving them as -blam!-.
  5. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    Yes i also had this problem yesterday when x box live went offline, i haven't tried to change it since tho so im not sure if its still happening, i just think it was because of xbox live going offline yesterday.
  6. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    In my OP I said that Tower was not going to be its name. Its just what I called it from the start because that is the sort of map I knew I was building. It hadn't been "BLAMMED" the whole time I was using it under that name, but all of a sudden I couldn't but I seems have to been ok when I checked before.

    Ok yeah actually you are probably right. Thats around the time it started happening. Its just upon signing in again this morning it still wouldn't accept any names. It seems to be working now though. I was just in a bit of a panic :)

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