well i know that Heretic is a remake of Midship and Citadel is based on the idea of the campain level the Covenant. But the big question is what is Longshore and I want a few opinions on what people think it is. The reason for this is that alot of people think it will be the sucsesor of relic or headlong. Which I personally disagree with and I know that it won't be a remake as bungie have said that heretic will be the only remake. And to be honest I hope Longshore will be a sucsessor of Boarding action ( as it is one of my favourite halo maps of all time) but with a few changes and if anyone can get any REAL pictures of these new maps I would be very grateful So post your opinions on what you think longshore and citedel will be Thank you Love PHYSCOPIRAHNA6 =D
Longshore is just a long shore. ZOMGOZMGOMZGG Seriously, the map is probably already done, knowing Bungie. Did you know they started working on the Mythic Map Pack (first 3) on the day of Halo 3's release? Yes, they do work that slow, but they're not going to release even one picture until August or something. But I've heard is rumors of "sniping on the beach," and I immediately though Last Resort.
Sounds cool but then again I have been known to find REAL pics of things at least 1 year before they were even heard about but bungie are very secretive so who know and i havent been able to get anything this time
That picture is High Ground, on top of the cliffs. I believe someone speculated that Long shore was a coastal place (in Kenya, possibly New Mombassa) that had alot of water and somewhat like avalance in basic level design (U shaped). I'm not too sure if I trust that, but it is a start.
According to Halopedia, it sounds like Headlong. However, it is only speculation. Also from Halopedia; Relic had a Ghost on it and was an island with a shoreline that surrounded the map completely, meaning it had a Longshore. This is what leads most people to believe it's Relic, although it can't be confirmed because Headlong had a Ghost or two as well and had an area that could possibly be graphically changed into a shoreline instead of a concrete "cliff."
Where did you get such information? Please, if you're going to come up with such a faulty claim, bring credible, relevant evidence to the table. As to the topic at hand: I don't like spoilers that much, I would rather wait a few months for some REAL pictures from Bungie. I think that's when we should start speculating map layouts and such.
From an undisclosed but VERY accurate source, i know that longshore is a BTB map, it has water and a shore and it has a boat on it (like a rowboat and its just scenery)
They were working on Assembly before Halo 3 even came out, and there were pictures to prove it... it was even on a screen during an interview... who cares if it takes them months and months to make something great? I believe it COULD be Headlong, but im throwing my money on it being something new to be a successor to Headlong. People just dont appreciate remakes for what they are, so I just wouldnt bother if i were Bungie.
Yea i would really like a remake or successor of Heaadlong. That is by far my favorite map in Halo2. Im not that hyped about Heretic since i never played midship that much, and Citadel ill have to wait to say anything about it since all we know is that its based off a campaign level. And could anyone provide me with a link to where it is stated that heretic is a remake.
remakes arent worth it. the halo 2 and 1 maps were great for what they were and remaking them just doesnt make up to the originals. New content is best as long as they make it good
>.<....i said that above. there are pictures to prove it along with a leaked article. there have been countless threads about it.
Judging from the name, it's probably on a coast, and probably a long one at that. I'm guessing the layout will be a rectangular, long strip of land with a base at each end. I can tell it won't be very thin, because there is a ghost in the map. This will also mean there will probably be long lines of sight, and due too that Bungie is likely too add in bases, and the bases will likely have at least 2 storeys for sniper fans. Also, the fact that it is a shoreline means that there will be water. Also, if it does have buildings then it is probably set in docks, which means that it is likely to be located in a major city. Because of the long sight lines there will probably be ruins of buildings scattered along the coast as cover. But this is all theorywork.
Every post in this thread is either repeating said information from the first post. ZOMGZOMGZOMG Anyone ever thought of this original idea? Maybe its a map comprised of concepts from Headlong and Relic.
Well we all know longshore will have the same type of setting as headlong and relic. city+bayside=Longshore ill bet money on this
lol i knew what a big thing this is but not how much arguements it would cause ohwell you can't blame a guy for having dreams
yea no way they started working on the mythic maps when halo 3 came out... they may have had the idea for them, but they did heroic and legendary maps first.