this is my first map i have made on sandbox. it has a killball in the middle and is replicated on both sides. Works well with CTF gametype. im not sure which area this map should go in so ive just put it in aesthetic. please let me know if its in the rong area. Cheers : Halo 3 File Details i dont know how to get a link that doesnt go from fileshare......
here use this to embed your posts.
this should go under competitive because aesthetic is maps that look good and usually dont play well. the map looks good because of the symmetry but dont name a thread "my first map" ill give it a 4/5 from neatness and a 3/5 for gameplay. oh and you got hte file download right im pretty sure.
Ya i agree with the other guy you should have a name for your map.. then like you did on your first line just say this is my first map ... great job for first map looks very well forged . one thing to think of when using alot of tunnels it hurts gameplay. it would take along time to find someone and you could camp alot in the tunnels, maybe open them up alittle. but great job 4-5 ........and i bet the middle is bright with that kill ball .. i know on my lcd those things blind me,lol
Okay one (and I know this has already been stated) PLEASE do not name the title of the thread "New Map" Find a name for your map/thread. Also taking pictures with those annoying effects on sort of strains my eyes. Retake the pictures with the effects off so we can get a clearer view of the map. Now about the map. First off, I agree with the guy above me. Those tunnels are going to have some serious camping issues. Maybe add an entrance or two at both tunnels so that might fix the problem. Idk, but anyways it looks good overall. I'll download later.
When I saw it was your first map, I had that feeling it would have a killball in it. Nice effort, though. Take a read over at Forging 101. 2/5. And this should go in competitive or casual maps.