Hello people of Forgehub this my sorta remake of the OmG Run pic that was on bungie favorites a month or so ago. i though of this while messing around with some friends literaly 30 min before posting this well here it is. this was staged. Omg RUN [/URL] caption:these guys are tottaly spartan haters. Special Thanks to NANCE ARK,HagelBagel13,and Holt Boys for helping with the pic click there names to view there halo 3 stats
Yes, this has been done, but this was very creative. I assume he's in the middle of a hijacking? That pose is awesome. If the Elites were running, it'd be even better! 4/5, for used idea, but great execution!
Thanks for the feed back yes he was hijacking a guass turret and i think im gonna remake it again but with more elites
Ha, I have seen the Elite one, but I love the idea of using a spartan, very good shot. I lold a little. Very Original. Cant wait to see what its gonna look like with an Elite army. that one will be cool. 4/5