Sweet.. thank you! Also.. (sorry if this is a bad explanation), but do you know how to make an animation so that it would cycle through my sigs 1 at a time? If you could point me in the right direction I could probably figure it out. THANKS
I did a quick google and found this site but you have to register and can only use up to 3 sigs unless you donate. There are also a few html and java ones but I don't think this forum allows html or javascript in posts or sigs. You could also look up image ready animation tutorials, that will help make an animated gif of the sigs you rotate through.
awesome I didn't know you could animate in photoshop, I thought only in imageready, I might have to try this.
Lemonyguy47 is done: BW: reddish-pinkish version: next up: MealonX Oh and sorry Mealon I had to push you back to tomorrow because I forgot to add deepmonkey to the waiting list so my dates are all screwed up..
well i might not be able to answer for a week exactly. so put me down as a week from now or make it in your spare time..
wtf happened to the posts I made last night? I guess I'll repost Mealon's MealonX is done: BW: Gradient Map: Sorry I couldn't do what you originally asked but in the stock his left leg and hands were cut off by the ghost, os it ended up looking really ugly. If you still want me to do that pm me and we'll get something worked out; pm me for changes to this sig if you want to keep it as well. Next up: Iv0rY Snak3
i can get a better picture, but this is pretty good for now, il post a better picture tonight. I'll probably use the standoff modded map, and then pic up one of the invisible weapons then take some pics. I'll get back to you
man these are amaziong, thanks i'm not sure whther i should use black and white or, the original version
OneNOnly282 is done: BW: Pink: next up: knight kninja and Iv0rY I updated your sig with a border if you wanted one
alright well i figured out i can be on this week. so no need to hold off for a week if you dont want. if your working on someone else finish them before me thanks