honestly, the first is the best and thats not evan that good. You cant really see the second and the third is random and stupid. The first one is boring.
I like the second best First-red visor cool rest isnt Second-My favorite pretty good Third-I dont really understand the purpose of this one.
The first one i like the red visor. The second is a pretty cool one, and i like the effect. And were you going for the fuzzines. The third is really quite pointless to me, sorry to be so blunt.
The first one is alright, but you could've picked a better angle and a more interesting background. The second one is cool, I like it - if there was a little less glow it'd be kinda like an iPod advert The third one is just pointless.
*sigh* You sir, are an idiot. You barely gave a review on the screenshots and you came off as an arsehole. You didn't give a review or anything related to the screenshots either. Anyway time to hear what I have to say. The first picture I think is a simple screenshot that looks good. I think you chose a good set of armor and the black backdrop makes the spartan stick out very well. The second picture is an average shot to be honest. While I love the green backdrop I am turned off by the brightness of the spartan. I think if the lighting for the spartan was regular and he was in some action pose it would appeal to me more. But that's just my opinion. The last is my favorite. I don't know why or what the hell it is but it intrigues me. I guess the writing in the bottom right corner only makes it look cooler than it already is. Care to share on what it is? Overall I think these were a good set of screenshots and I hope to see more of your work = ]
DC, I belive that was a unnscesary comment that did not give him the credit that he deserves for these pics, all you did was say negative things about them, you need to watch how you review other peoples posts, because this looks like a bad review to me. NO FLAMING EVAR!!!!111!!!!!!11!!! anyways, i believe the second one is amazing, i understand you probably used a fuel rod explosion for the effect, and the first one is very good as well, the third one has me wondering where on earth you took that screenshot in the campaign, i can remember the quote, but i cant remember the mission. anyways, i believe these are very good pics, nice job: 5/5
Actually i really like the first one. mind telling me how to take it? the second one is alright and the third is....lines?
fIRST ONE - 4.5/5 ( For the Crayola !! ) Second One - 2/5 ( ??? White on Grren ) Third One - 4/5 ( Lol !!!!! )