For those of you who hate people who betray you to take your weapon. Say a story or something. But when I wanted to play team slayer one day the map was standoff i got the shotgun and the rocket launcher and i was hiding in a base and all of the sudden some *** teenager came up behind me started to kill me and he took my weapons so i wanted it back and I killed him for it, But then i get booted! so for those of you who hate people like that, say something.
Points to XP Penalties Those are all from betrayals-boot BETRAYALS ARE FUN, YOU ALL KNOW IT in COD Hardcore, I betray people who are not helping in objective games
Whenever I get a sniper, shotgun, or other high-demand weapon and a teammate starts trying to betray me for it, I enjoy just wasting the weapon right in front of him. e.g. shooting it into the ground, swapping it with another weapon so that it falls off the map, etc.
4v4 On the pit Its always a race for the sniper. Usually what I do is, throw a grenade next to the right of the sniper so it shoots out the side and I usually get it!!! Whipee But when someone is trying to kill me, as soon as they shoot me, I jump off the cliff with it
i hate it so much, that and t-baggers i go ballistic. Play the freakin game the way it is supposed to be played.
Ya andrew next time we play I am going to be on your team, kill you for your weapon, and tea-bag you. Lolz But betraying for weapons isn't all that bad. Ok, you got betrayed big deal, boot them from the game and forget about it. Every once in a while, ill do it myself
speaking of which,I was playing search&destroy on hardcore and a guy C4'd us all at the beggining of every match. t'was horrible.
I can't stand people that betray or play like assholes ( keep everyone from getting to certain areas on a map ). If they do, I automatically give them a bad review and if I'm pissed enough... I file a complaint on their LIVE account.
Ugh, i hate it when that happens. It just shows that people can't play with simple weapons, and often enough they're a load of crap with the power weapon they betray for.
Flag Betrayals Not sure if we'll count this as a weapon, but I'm betrayed for possession of the flag every now and again. Just a few days ago, I carried the enemy flag across Valhalla on foot, with no team assistance, only to be killed by an ally when I'm about to score. The player (who turned out to be a general), then proceeded to take the flag, and win the game for our team. -=Moxus=-
I don't know about weapons, but I betray people in Hardcore Call of Duty all the time. I guess its just the equally retarded and funny things they say after I slaughter them that completes my day.
Yes, I HATE that. This also happens a lot in objective games - I'm right next to our base, carrying their flag- and BAM! Rocketed by my own team mate, for his own childish need to plant the flag himself. Than he teabags my body. Those kind of losers are in almost half the games I play.
Lol, you should have seen the guy that tried something similar on me in MLG. I was juggling flag and running like hell on Onslaught and the guy walks next to me and grabs the flag when I drop it, carrying it off all slow and regular like. He dies pretty much instantly from the 3 guys chasing us, and I sigh down the mic and say "Now do you understand?". He quit. But yeah, I do hate people who betray for weapons. I'll admit it frustrates the hell out of me when someone grabs the sniper, can't hit a shot, then grabs the next one when I was waiting for it. But still, betraying is just childish, especially when I see people doing it in social, because winning in social matters that much, kids are just going for montage clips in social slayer so they don't have much hope of redemption anyway. I should cap that clip of a guy on my team who started ARing me in the back when I grabbed snipes on Pit, I spin around 180 and no scope him right in his annoying face before I've even stopped turning. It felt like a blow for justice.