I was just having a normal busride home yesterday. You know think about new map ideas, halo3, halo3 odst and food. And i was thinkin wouldnt it be cool if you could play as brutes in multyplayer. Now im sure there are resons for not including them but oh well. Theres no harm in talking about it. I think it would be great. And there armor is really cool looking, which is the main reason id want to play as them. And off course theyd probaly be a tad bit smaller so that they are not unfair for the person playing as them. And not be a gaint moving target. So thats all i have to say. Feel free to say whats on your mind about this topic. Have fun!!1!1
I think elites should be replaced with brutes. Elites are really frustrating, their head is in a completely different place and it really screws up team swat.
No. We hear enough whining about Elites as it is, despite the fact that they have the same hitbox as Spartans. With two nonhuman races, the excuses would double. On another note, if it were at all realistic, Brute player models would have an extreme disadvantage, as they only have bits of shielded armor, rather than power armor and/or full energy shields. Regardless, even if this were at all likely to happen, it might not even be possible, for the same reason that we apparently can't have new armor perms.
well i never said it was going to happen and i did say there are proba;y reasons behind why bungie did not include them, but i was just trying to start a simple friendly discussion. So there is no need to come in here a try and end this thread with a rude remark.
Nothing rude there. Simply an opinion. This has been discussed more than enough times on Bnet and i simply expressed my opinion that it doesnt merit any more of such discussion. But by all means, if you desire, continue your thread. Twas simply an opinion.
This has been brought up hundreds of times. From a business point of view, it is pointless for Bungie to so this. The cost of adding in all the extra animations and finding solutions for the height issue and the issue of the non-recharging armour will mean that they would have to sell it for a very high price (yes, it would also have to be DLC). So we can all safely say that it'll never ever happen, not even in ODST.
Aren't there a bunch of other threads like this somewhere around here? It was an argument of epic proportions, and the odds were in favor of "hell no."
USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION. Simply typing in "brutes, multiplayer" comes up with the following results: two other threads involving this exact topic. If you have something new/insightful to contribute, it'd be great if you posted in one of those threads. Otherwise, please, don't post, because this discussion has been gone over many times. Brutes in multiplayer will NEVER happen.
WOOOOOWWWWW you guys need to learn to read. I didnt ask you "so wen will brutes be added to multiplayer" or say "i think brutes will be added to multiplayer". I juste mentioned the idea of it and asked what you guys thought of it. I know it wont happen im just trying to spark some discussion. And i didnt notice there were other threads like this. Sry.
personally, i think it would add the variety to the game that some of us are looking for. now ovcourse being a brute would have disasvantagesand advantages, such as takes slightly more damage(110% or so), but only has 75%-85% walking speed and its mellee is about 110% dmg of human mellee.(brutes are also a bigger target) just a thought ofcourse. this would add more strategy to the game also, dont pick a brute for open maps and pick them for enclosed ones. each character would play differently to peoples needs.
Wasnt there a thread exctly like this no less than 2 weeks ago at least, cmon now. brutes will never be in Multiplayer btw
ofcourse they will never be in multiplayer, but its fun to just fantasize. dont burst peoples bubbles.
What you said wasn't any different from the other threads posted. There should be a rule that you have to use the search function before posting. In the interests in keeping it on topic, for Brutes to even be viable in multiplayer there would have to be edited so much. The would have to be reduced in size and given some kind of equivalent of the energy shields. It would work but they wouldn't really be brutes.
Oh yea sure lets just lock the thread because half the people who have posted it just said stuff like this will never happen in big bold letters or that this thread has been created a million times. That makes sense. I havent seen a thread about like this at all until now so i decided to post this but now i know that there are other threads like this, but you guys have no reason to come an spam in this thread about it.
From a personal point of view I would prefer that the brutes stay out of matchmaking. I just find them boring.. But on Bungie's point of view it still wouldn't happen. All that coding and thinking of armors for them. Then doing all those animations for weapons and junk. It would be a strain and then there would be some enormous patch for the game. Happy you got a half right post?
Well my post did outline some problems if it were somehow hypothetically implemented. Imagine the complaint threads on b.net... And the Brutes would probably also revive the cursed BXR glitch too.
I personally think they should be implemented, maybe stay the same size, but have headshots not effect them AND have slightly more health to balance out the ratio, just a thoght