Rant On Generals

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Halostar317, May 27, 2009.


Are you a douchebag in matchmaking?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Halostar317

    Halostar317 Ancient
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    Be prepared, the wall is coming.

    So today i get home from school, and i say, "lets go play team mythic!". So, i go into team mythic and to my surprise there are a complete set of generals on the other team. To be specific, there was one 5 star general, two two star generals, and one other regular general. And of course, the people on my team are *ussies and two of them quit. So me and this random guy i don't know are about to face 4 generals. We start the game and tie it 1-1. Somehow we gain the lead 10-8 and then the other team started trying. Almost immediately the other team brings it to a 17-10 lead, and i know all hope is lost. By the time that my other teammate quits, i have been teabagged 43 times, bashed after death 34 times, and trash talked nearly 64 times. Now here I am up against a full team of generals by myself. I just decided to camp and stuff to let the time run out.

    Post game lobby: "You are trash, don't play halo you piece of ****. Go kill yourself, you are garbage."

    Those are among the many things said after and during the game.
    And also, I got a ninja where i hopped over his back and assassinated him, so they all tell e to record it and put it on my file share so "i would get recon" and "go into bungie favorites"...

    Here is the rant:

    Can anybody explain to me why racism is bad in the real world but nobody gives a **** on the internet (yes this is a form of racism)? Why do generals have to trash talk people when they die, or teabag when they get kill? Somehow they must have a right to be complete douchebags to anybody they kill. All i'm trying to do is have fun while playing a game that I enjoy, but that really can't happen if i'm always being told to kill myself, can it? I really want to know from some generals out there if you are ever a douchebag towards people that aren't as good as you. If you are, then **** you.
  2. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Because Generals think they are better than everyone else because of a set of numbers

    Racism and trash-talking is all over the internet and online gaming, thats no surprise everyone has done it one time or another.
  3. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Well first off i dont get why people always stereotype generals as these super pro halo players that are always jerks. Them being a general has nothing to do with how they act towards others. That is souley based off theactual person playing. And since we are talking about generals i might as well say this. I dont get why people think just because a person has a high rank doesnt mean there gods at the game it just means theyve played a lot. There are tons of ways to reach the rank of general that involves little to no skill. To help with your problem just finish the gamewith good sportsmanship, and if they talk trash to you just ignore them. And when you come to play anyone ranking as a general do not asume there good until after the match.
  4. AlbinoFruitcake

    AlbinoFruitcake Ancient
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    first of all, what makes a general better than someone who only has about 200 or so experience points?
    all that points show is that they play the game more and are obsessed, and from my experience, the amount of time played has no relationship with player ability.

    and yea, trash talk, just mute em, is it that hard?
    and if they tea-bag you, so what, its a game. if they get you pissed off, take a break and go outside.
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There are three types of Generals in my book.
    1. Generals who got their 50 legitimately.
    2. Generals who bought their account.
    3. Generals who boosted/cheated their way to a 50.

    Out of those, the first one is the least common. They are also the 50's that are actually good. I find that these Generals are actually fairly nice and play the game to have fun. They just happen to be really good at the game.

    Don't be scared of Generals. The majority of them are not legitimate. And if they are legitimate, so what? You lose a game. Whoop-dee-doo.
  6. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Because people in the real world are sometimes too sensitive.

    Not all Generals do that and you need to harden the **** up if it really bothers you.

    They have just as much a right to be douchebags as you have to be one too and to ignore them. It's not like Microsoft made it hard to ignore someone.
    Uh, you can still enjoy your game and ignore those people with one of the many tools available to ignore people. Bungie even added an option to only hear your team and party.

    Yeah, well **** you too buddy. You need to harden the **** up.
  7. jpitty

    jpitty Ancient
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    I like to talk **** whether they are better than me or not. It makes the game more interesting and exciting, if you can't deal with your insecurities mute them.
  8. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    wow defensive much, *cough* asshole *cough*
    You won't give anyone your GT, you start fights with everyone, act like ass generally in everything and the only posts on your page are about you harassing people for no reason. GTFO

    and also, if I could make this into a little jingle I would but, the reason is...

    They're not legit 50's ^^ yay happy fun time.
    #8 STWOW, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  9. Bigb779

    Bigb779 Ancient
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    I really haven't played with many generals like that, but I have heard this a lot. I will say that you can't blame this on them being a general. Some people are just jerks online and being a general has nothing to do with it. It isn't just because they are a general that they are like that. I'm sure it's just who they are and they are the same in every other game they play.
  10. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I got mine all by myslef.
    1st account, no restart like most of them.

    My friend.... that, is called getting "Shanonned"

    Now, to the topic at hand.
    I too have a General Gade 2.
    But I never trash talk. I teabag when necessary (meaning when the guy is trash talking or got like a NS when he had sword or sumthing of that stature).
    You see, the common Halo General Dbag, sees the General rank as a trophy. "Congratulations, you're a General, everyone below you does not have the mAd SkIlLzzZ as you." So, they will obviously see everyone else inferior, and thus, degrade them (so to speak).
  11. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    well i remember in this one halo wars thread he was goin on a rant and if i remeber correctly he gave out his gamertag and challenged the kid he was argueing with. And im going to have to agree with him. If you get offended by people you dont even know and probally wont even talk to ever again. You need to get a reality check and learn to suck it up.
  12. Halostar317

    Halostar317 Ancient
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    My friend, i believe you are right about the Shannonned thing, but thats my sisters name, and shes a *****.
  13. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Racism is bad in the real world and on the internet. In the real life if you walk up to someone and say a derogatory word, you're probably going to get hurt/something bad is going to happen to you. It's offensive.
    Over Xbox Live, what can you do? Report them? What will that do? Mute them if you find them offensive or leave the game.

    A. It makes the game fun. Trash-talking competitively is fun. (It would depend what you are saying however)

    B. They're a competitive player and don't like to die.

    Teabagging? You're complaining about getting teabagged in Halo 3. Really? Just lol and move on.

    When was a rule stated that you couldn't trash-talk on Xbox Live?

    Maybe not, but there is a mute button. Use it.


    Note: I don't trash-talk to anyone except for my friends on Xbox Live. Trash-talking to my friends is fun and we get our "lolz" out of it. It's all good fun and aren't serious about it.*

    * Except for Shanon. He's a n00b. lololololololol
  14. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Yes, "suck it up" as they say. But that does not excuse them from acting like that under any circumstances. Most of the people who speak on XBL don't speak like that when they got to school, or attend Church, or talk like that in front of their mothers.

    Tis an unfixable problem that will always stay.
  15. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Hopefully this post will clear things up with people in this situation.

    For one it's the internet. Alias's and alter-egos are guaranteed to happen, seeing there is no real from of identification of such person, they can be who they want when they want. This includes saying things they wouldn't usually say, and doing things they usually would not take part in. Now being that it's a linear ranking system, and people who are Generals were obviously below generals before, ANYONE CAN BE A DOUCHEBAG ON XBOX LIVE, NOT JUST HALO 3 GENERALS.

    I honestly don't understand how people can not comprehend this simple evaluation. I'm sure anyone with a personality has trash talked on Live at least once in their career. It's the internet people. No literal rules. That includes racism, and things in such context. If you're ever offended by someone slaying racial slurs, I urge you not to freely roam the internet. Don't let that offend you people, they're just ignorant assholes. But, even 'good' people indulge in internet affairs, so I commend you not to judge someone of their internet persona.

    This may be driving off topic, but it's the common calculation with today's generation. The internet changed life as we know it dramatically, allowing anyone to obtain information, and express their own.

    Edit: Forgot the trash talking epidemic. Being it a multiplayer environment, of course people will play competitively and risk being offended/aggressive. But that's in any game, or sport actually. In life you'll find people who can't hold their tongue, or know common manners. I find it easy just to live with it, and think before I speak. It creates a much nicer aroma.
    #15 Playerhata27, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  16. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I find it funny that you actually went to the trouble of looking through my visitor messages.

    Each one of them in the wrong context can mean nothing but in the right context can clear things up.

    Also, just because you find me insulting or what have you, you are still free to ignore me. Even Forgehub has features that allow you to ignore people that you do not agree with.
  17. jpitty

    jpitty Ancient
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    Don't be mean. It's not nice. Kids CANNOT handle situations on their own. Although Halo is for older audiences, still, be nice, they are sensitive.
  18. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    The trouble of 30 seconds,

    Not in the right context so it makes no sense,

    I never stated what stance I had on the argument, and neither did you, you just outright said suck it up and made yourself look like an asshole.
  19. natu

    natu Ancient
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    It's a game, I find it pathetic when people tell you to kill yourself over it. They take it too seriously, and You my friend need to ignore it. You sem like those people who do nothing but get defensive at the lobby making the general A:seem like a bigshot infront of his 12 yr old army B:give him some drama for the day.
  20. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Don't be a hypocrite. You complain about racism, but you generalize Generals. I have met and played with many generals who are not like the way you mentioned, and I have met some that are. Believe me; people trash talk not matter what rank.

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