Sandbox Lotus Islands

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TailsIce44, May 27, 2009.

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  1. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    Lotus Islands
    Reference to the song "Lotus Island" by Buckethead

    Lotus Islands-
    Lotus Islands is a simple map that has an easy to follow setup. Here is a picture to get the general idea:

    From the picture you may notice the bases are not interlocked. I tried to give it a ruins like touch and i thought it worked out well. At each base there is a pyramid which the objective for each game is located.

    *Supports all gametypes
    *4-12 Players

    X2 Shotgun's
    X2 Brute Shot's
    X2 Mauler's
    X2 Sniper's
    X2 Battle Rifle's
    X2 Machine Gun Turret's
    X1 Missle Pod

    X4 Plasma Grenade's
    X2 Bubble Shield's

    X2 Ghost's
    X2 Banshee's

    Red Base

    Blue Base

    The Bridge

    Inside a Pyramid

    Download : Halo 3 File Details
  2. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    The interlocking looks ok,
    The layout seems fine, but the one way between the bases might be a bit slim.
    Did you hit the item limit? If not I would recommend adding atleast another way, and taking out a few vehicles.
    But thats just me, I'm not exactley sure what your going for.
  3. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Looks like you got a good map here. But it looks kinda small and theres not much too it. Maybe add a second level to the bridge or expand upon the bases. But overall this looks good.

    Oh just a little tip. Please do not use black text its kind of hard to read for those who use forgehubX
    #3 Duckman620, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  4. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    Okay i see your points but you realize after playing its pretty smooth. However i see your points
  5. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    This reminds me of Narrows type map. I think you should add a curved bridge that goes away and comes back and get rid of your current bridge.
  6. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Ah very nice concept kind of reminds me of my narrows like map -vehicles. Anyways it looks fairly good but only one open route between bases. I would sugest a low road so to speak along the bridge but lower to provide more than one route and a way to dodge an incoming ghost. I would then take the misile pod and place it there and maybe throw an oversheild in the middle. Why? Here's my logic to get the misile pod up there one must dodge machine gun fire, sniper fire, ghosts and banshees that all don't want you to get your hands on that misile pod. This way the player need only worry about others on foot. As for the overshield it's basicaly there to help those that brave all of the above actually make it across. One other thing that's bugging me is the 2 brs thing not a fan. Also a plasma pistol, energy drain or maybe regen would be a good idea. I like the idea and this map has great vehicular/ heavies potential. Good work so far and keep at it.
  7. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    I'll just lay it right out here for you.

    1. map has no detail
    2. no unique features or structures
    3. only one way to each side and very narrow
    4. no cover esp. from banshees
    5. ghost is just stupid, way to small map for that
    6. pyramids are way too small and boring looking

    Just overall its a poorly made and laid out map, i would highly recommend making a V2 and making it larger, more interlocking, interesting, uncommon and put in a few cool ideas that no one's seen before. Also just a better lay out would be nicer.
    I'll give it a 2/5 though for the nice interlocking boxes that make up the floor.
  8. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    I can appreciate that you want to get a ruin-sy feel to it, but even the best maps without interlocking have a tendency to be bumpy and eat grenades. Also, it seems a bit small, especially if you plan to have games as large as 6v6 on it. You might want to consider adding other pathways or levels to it. In addition to that, judging both from the pictures and from past experience, the vehicles seem like a bad idea. The Ghosts will most likely get stuck or fall off a few seconds after they are taken, and the Banshees will dominate once the Missle Pod has been downed. The map also seems a bit heavy in power weapons, with only two BR/carbine spawns, and no duals beyond the Maulers.

    So essentially, I would recommend toning down the power weapons, increasing the number of BRs/carbines and duals, while removing the vehicles and expanding the map, if you wish to keep it for the current party size. On the other hand, if you just removed the vehicles and changed the weapon set, the layout would probably work for 2v2 and 3v3.

    Keep working, it is a good concept. 7/10
  9. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    Ill get started on a V2 and if people have ideas for me post them to me on my page or here i really don't care. thanks
  10. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    You really need to think more about gameplay. The ghost is so unfitting and makes really no sense. It's on the skybubble with one way back and forth, with a missile pod on the map as well as two shotties and snipers AND two turrets. This in no way would work without ghosts, let alone with them. You can interlock and you have a good idea of how to forge, but really man think out your gameplay. The amount of power on the map is ridiculous. Gameplay will basically be whoever has more power weapons spawnkills and rapes the other team.
    #10 Mr Garfunkle, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  11. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    I reccomend removing the ghosts. They might be a little overpowerd on such a skinny bridge. Same with Banshee.
  12. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    i dont care what any other map critique people think, i really think this map is good. its small, has a great concept and looks pretty damn good. im Downloading this no matter what, keep up the good work,

    the only thing i recomend in, maybe get rid of the ghost, and put a mongoose, and "Rid the banshee and get a transport Hornet.

    and another thing, maybe replace the missle pod with a shotgun, and remove the other two shotguns.
  13. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Exactly. The map is forged amazingly. Just too small and cover-lacking for Ghosts and Banshees.
  14. Rise Against

    Rise Against Ancient
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    Correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldn't the banshee dominate your map? The only thing to repel the banshee is the missile pod which there is only one of. The team with the missile pod would dominate because the other team would have nothing to destroy the other banshee with...
  15. leadh34d

    leadh34d Ancient
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    really great

    Well the bases look really great and the bridge looks very nice. My only problem, other people may not have this, is that there is only seemingly one way to get to the other base on foot and that there is a power weapon right in the middle. Maybe a suggestion from me is to put a few more side bridges to the other base?
  16. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    there is a V2 of this map coming soon with the banshees removed and missle pod. both ghosts will be replaced with mongooses and the weapon amount will be toned down. thanks
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