Well, as it says I am creating a Terrorist based assault map... I'm looking for any additional ideas and help with the map since it is on sandtrap there aren't a terrible number of items to work with. Heres what I have so far: 1) timed bombing events on the terrorist side of the map. 2) sniper on the highest ridge point of sandtrap, but the sniper only has 4 bullets in it... to try and balance out the fact that the defenders have a sniper, it sits on a power-up that has 10% resistance to damage, changes his color to match the surroundings (orange), and keeps movement to a minimum by making gravity 200%, movement 25%, only lasts 10 seconds and spawns every 10 seconds but also prevents recipient from entering vehicles. 3) no radar except for the sniper powerup which gives 150m radar. 4) everyone starts with AR since that is the most common weapon used in iraq 5) I am trying to get a tank to be sunk in the ground but it isn't going great. 6) the respawn timer is 30s to make dying a bit more painful 7) the bomb instantly detonates making suicide bombers out of anyone to arm it. 8) the terroist side is armed with rockets and mines and also have a bunker cache of weapons. 9) the sniper, scorpion and all other vehicles are spawn time=never so once they are gone they are gone. 10) I am also experimenting with having the bomb carrier posses "poor camo" but I haven't gone into theater to see how hard it would be to see them... I just want it <i> slightly </i> more difficult to see them. I would like advice on anything additional that would create better gameplay or just anything that you guys think would be usefull to do with those ugly elephants. Should I do 1 bomb and have a time limit, or assault and have the "good" guys blow up the terrorist headquarters?. I've heard of a couple things I would like to add to the map but I am unsure how to make them... I tried making the apc warthog but the barriers just fall off when you drive it... I've also heard that you can fuse a warthog with fusion coils.... this would make a perfect car bomb, however in my trials I am unable to achive perfection... any help or advice is most appreciated, and I hope to have this map to everyone asap.
~Belongs in Forge Discussion Interesting idea though. However, I think the sniper has too little bullets. It'll be wasted before 10 seconds of the game...
Sorry, the description of the custom power up was huge and I was getting tired of writing about it, but it gives unlimited ammo having the power-up to keep you there instead of grabbing it and running. From that distance it will not matter if he/she gets their hands on rockets since they would take 15s to even get where they wanted them. I am trying to make it as balanced as possible, if you want the sniper, everyone knows where you are and you can't move... if you want the tank, everyone knows where you are but you can't move.
Learn to read forum descriptions please. General chat is the place to get away from all the forging. MOVED FOOL.
you wanna know what i think? make respawn time 10sec because people will just start quiting after they die once
i was going to try and make it a slowish game, but i can also redo it to a faster paced game... probably make for more intense battles...
Are the defenders (none terrorists) US/British troops. If so you could give them more technical things, such as equipment. Also, if i'm imagining your map correctly, i think that the defenders should have some sort of vantage point over the bomb's destination. Just some suggestions. Map sounds good, be sure to tell us when its finished.
they moved my discussion instead of deleting it from the wrong place... as far as the advantages of each, I have a warthog, rockets and mines as well as fire and frag grenades on the terrorist side, and on the defender side I have a immobile tank, sniper rifle that is designed to keep you in place, and turrets set up on each side... i also plan on having at least one warthog on the defenders side and while everything else on the map either never respawns or has the longest respawn possible, have the defenders hog have a moderate respawn timer to keep true to the spirit of the whole game.
This might suit a different type of map but turn off those tags that let you see your team and make the bomb carrier turn into the same color as the defenders. This would make him "harder to see" in a way while sticking to the idea that suicide bombers are hard to see because they look like civilians.
I toyed with the idea a bit, it would be possible in neutral assault only though because each team will take turns on 1 bomb, and unless there is a setting I am unaware of, you can only specify a certain color to change the bomb carrier to. For now, I have the bomb carrier set to "poor camo" and changes color to black so he stands out a bit more. I'll have to try it a few times and see what my friends think when we play it next.... it is slowly coming to completion and i have almost all of the defenses and arsenals laid out, it is only a matter of sprucing it up now.
I just added another timed event, this time for the defenders... since eveyone starts with ARs, it was unfair for the offense to have a weapon cache and not the defense... but to keep the defense from all being in the same place at the same time, I now have falling pods w/ ammunition such as brs, frags, and shotguns that fall around the defense side of the map 1 min in... it is a nice effect since when they fall, the door comes off of them and it looks like the weapon fell out. I'm almost ready to test the map, I just need a few more aesthetic touches and create the spawn and respawn points.
Where are the defence and offence stationed? You could possibly have something like an airstrike (falling fusion coils, i like this idea!) on one team. I suppose it would be annoying if it happened continually, maby something to toy with?
You should make the respawn time much shorter. Other than that it sounds good. But seriously 30 Seconds! If I had to wait that long I would leave!
I dropped the respawn to 20 seconds, and I do have fusion coils falling on the terrorist side constantly, they are mostly set at 30-45 sec, but I also have it set to a minimum of 1... so that gives it a slightly random touch.
Well, I am done with the map's rough draft... I just need to clean up a few things and make it a bit more scenic... will post it for trials after I get that finished but in the mean time here is a pic from the offense's alley.
Well while trying to clean up the map I somehow managed to make the elephants sink into the ground when ever you jump on them.... I need to see if this happens with any other object... not sure how it would help MY map but it might someone else's
i always thought of a plane above blackout and have a 5 v 5 one life bomb swat and they spot in the air and fall on theplane and there is 5 ways or 6 wyas of getting in... movie SWAT the plane in that... have u seen it they use paintball guns though