Sandbox Jettison

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SmartAlec13, May 21, 2009.

  1. Phoenix of Wei

    Phoenix of Wei Ancient
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    I love the tube. That looks like a lot of fun. But before I check this out, I'm going to state that a bit of the scenery looks sort of randomly placed, like the arches infront of the warthog spawn. Also, they don't look exactly straight. You might want to line them up with a guideline object so that they are straight and not crooked compared to each other.
    #21 Phoenix of Wei, May 25, 2009
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  2. Aimless Ant

    Aimless Ant Ancient
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    I like the idea of the map, i would change three things. 1 - the arches made up of colored columns need to go, they look real bad, and detract from the map as a whole. 2 - the tube in center needs to be a little shorter. I like the idea, and it is fun to use, but i think you went a little too far. It seems excessive. 3 - spawn placement. All spawn points should have their backs to a wall or structure. The spawns you have in the corners are out in the open and someone could spawn only to be splattered or shot in the back. This map has potential, keep working on it.
  3. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    It looks solid enough, and I like the fact that you were willing to include Sentinel Beams on a competitive map. I've been missing the ones on Warlock...
    That central structure should make for some interesting gameplay, but I can foresee the possibility of someone grabbing the sniper and camping the top of the tube, dropping back in when the sniper respawns to grab it again. Maybe make a sender node right at the leveling-out point of the lift, to give players a choice between returning to the ground or going to the reciever at the base of the tower?

    The only really nasty-looking bits of the map were the team-color arches, they seem a little too gaudy.

  4. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Yeahh those arches were a last attempt at cover, i kinda made them for no reason. But there is a really good "jump" that i have discovered from them. You go up the tube, and do a crouch jump bounce off of the large triangle ramps on the side of the tube. From there you can fly through the air, and with the speed and momentum, hit the top of those arches. From there you can bounce right into the base.

    But i will probably remove them. They do look messy now that i look at it. I guess ill forfeit that amazing jump :[ (For those of you who want to see it, here it is)[​IMG]

    So yeah ill get to work on removing those arches. The spawns might be moved a bit. Thanks for the input :D

    As for the Sniper thing. Its pretty easy to counter the sniper by going up the tube. Its not much of an issue.
  5. Phoenix of Wei

    Phoenix of Wei Ancient
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    Alright, hope to see the changes you make. This is just me, but I'd also think the bases are a little too open to the outside, but that's just because I'm a privacy kind of guy. By the way, it's 9508 from Bnet. ;D
  6. Action Jacksson

    Action Jacksson Ancient
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    When merging and advanced forging techniques are not only known, but widely used in even some terrbile maps, you've gotta do more than stack tubes for aesthetics. Same with the rocket spawn and some other things I saw.
  7. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Sorry Jackson, not exactly going for asthetics. Im more of a gameplay man myself.

    And the bases are pretty closed from the front, only 1 small (2 square) entrance. The back and side are much more open.
  8. Action Jacksson

    Action Jacksson Ancient
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    My point is just that you should go for both. Find a good map on this site that doesn't achieve that. And by aesthetics I don't mean structures that don't need to be there in the first place, but I mean that there are certain elements of your playable map that could be cleaned up. Simple aesthetic features are the best ones.
  9. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Are you calling my map ugly? All of the features are easily playable. They are good for gameplay. I mean i know the 4 non majore structures on each side arent forge masterpeices, but they arent the main focuses. There just for cover.
  10. I NBK Xen I

    I NBK Xen I Ancient
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    The jet in the middle adds a very unique twist on this good symmetrical map. My friend did compare the central structure to something quite rude, but that's just his nature. Great map, great gameplay, and nothing is more satisfying than watching an enemy body come shooting out the top of the jet.
  11. Jamdo64

    Jamdo64 Ancient
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    I like the middle building thing that looks like a ROCKET!!!
  12. RidleyXX45

    RidleyXX45 Ancient
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    Nice. I like the variaty of weapons and vehicles, and the detail to the weapons and spawn time. Most forgers overlook those thing, but you didn't miss it. 5/5 man. Great work.
  13. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Thanks for all of the coments :D

    Im glad people are starting to realize that the central structure is the main point of the map, not the tiny little peices of cover thrown about.

  14. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Alright. I have removed the "Arch" things in front of the warthog spawn. I have also moved a few spawns around, and i made an asthetic on the front base.
  15. Boorom

    Boorom Ancient
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    like the map alec, played it, loved it, got it in a montage, your welcome.
  16. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Thanks Boorom :D
  17. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Thanks for all of the comments everyone.

    The Original Post has been edited, with the editations included.

    Gamefilms and new pictures coming soon!
  18. Phoenix of Wei

    Phoenix of Wei Ancient
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    Alright, I finally got to peak my head around the map, I'm sorry Alec, it was better than I expected. XD

    I'll try to throw a party together some time to test it.
  19. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Thanks :D

    If you happen to get a film of like 6v6 or 8v8 or something along those lines, can you give it to me? Prefferably CTF? Its the last film i need so i can submit it to
  20. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Alright its been a while, and ive made a ton of editations. Im gonna be posting new pictures and layouts and all that soon.

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