Sandbox Flying b's

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by dafatdude243, May 24, 2009.

  1. dafatdude243

    dafatdude243 Ancient
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    Created by: The MightyB 243
    Recommended Gametype: Racetracks
    Number of Players: 1-16

    I have always felt that too many race tracks look amazing but play very
    boring. It seems it's always the first person to hop in their mongoose wins.
    Well in Flying B's there is a small element of chance and a lot of skill. The
    unique giant loop has to be hit just right if you want to make it on the other
    side. And the steep elevating curves need a good amount of drift and
    speed to pass to the next area. This is an exciting and unique race track
    for those who are interested in aesthetics and a fun game.
    Flying B's soars your mongoose through the map to a great height and length.










    Download FLYING B'S

  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Does the loop-de-loop actually work? If so, I am definetly downloading. This is probably the first race track to have one, I believe. On sandbox anyways. I'll give it a download, and give this a review later..

    EDIT: Not too bad, but the loop rarely worked.. I kept falling off the mongoose :S... and then getting splattered or sometimes I won't even make it all the way around and fall of the track.
    #2 Rifte, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  3. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    if the loop worked that would be epic
    other than that
    it looks like a few things could be smoothed out

    so i played it and well the loop kinda worked
    it goes like this
    25% of the time i made the loop and stayed on my mongoose but for some reason i was always facing the wrong way
    25% of the time i made the loop and fell of of my mongoose
    25% of the time i didn't make it up at all
    and 25% of the time i fell off the track and died
    and its not like a perfect loop where your wheels are on the track the whole time
    you kinda barrol roll through it
    also there was a double block after the loop that was way out of place and popped me up
    and you have to slow way down to make the final turn without falling off-you might want to add another barrier
    that all said that was the first loop ive ever seen
    great job
    #3 Benji, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  4. dafatdude243

    dafatdude243 Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure it's impossible to make a loop in halo without man cannons pushing you through. And if you notice no matter how straight the man cannon is you go off, you turn a little. So eventually after the loop is done you have done a few barrel rolls and are pretty much backwards.
  5. Ginja Ninja

    Ginja Ninja Ancient
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    The loop looks cool u could make more ramps but still overall 8/10 nice job
  6. dafatdude243

    dafatdude243 Ancient
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    What do you mean by more ramps? Where? And what kind?
  7. phd lolz

    phd lolz Ancient
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    I helped test this ^_^ (hayabusa with scout shoulders)
    Anyways, good map, works mostly except for loop, you could change the barrier on the last turn and maybe add a smoother start but overall good.
  8. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    this map has all the good stuff! the loop is prefectly forged and leaves me breathless! I'd like to suggest some more barrier-type walls on the track so you don't fall off so much.
  9. hal0 hulk

    hal0 hulk Ancient
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    well im truley sorry that i made a loop too but i had already made one on foundry that wasent as good due to lack of resources. and i promise you i had never seen this post and didnt steal your idea

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