Halo 3 Rated M for Teen

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plan B, May 27, 2009.

  1. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Wow I honestly dont know why the ESRB rated Halo 3 and hell the entire series M. There are so many games that are rated T that have blood and violence in them too like battlefield or cod3 or something.

    okay the marine says bastard ok like a teenager hasnt heard that before.
    The blood is all blue
    The only exception that i would say they made it M is for the multiplayer having genuine real red blood thats it

    Halo 3 doesnt deserve the same rating as GTA or Bioshock to name a couple that definitely earned their M rating

    and wow even halo wars got rated M for nothing!!
  2. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Ancient
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    accorrding to my copy of the game it got that rating for "Moderate science fiction violence", I guess shooting at anything up your rating these days.
  3. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I understand where you're coming from, but you're taking 'Mature' to far in a graphic sense. It may have Blood+Gore/Mild Language/And violence, but it also upholds a strong literal maturity in its integrity. For someone to full understand the story plot, and sequence, I would dub them Mature, for it's a dynamic game with many elements. People are taking ratings to seriously, in which they shouldn't be bothered with. While the ESRB may deem 18+ people mature, anyone below that age limit can obviously have a mature personality. Just like every Halo game prior to Halo 3. They were all very complex, with story elements comparable to 5-star movies.

    Even further, they may have even given that rating for multiplayer. While a games rating is not determined by online multiplayer, Halo 2 really created what Xbox Live is today, so I feel their opinion could have been biased, but in a beneficial way.

    On a side note, many of these threads have been created. Please use the search function next time creating a thread, it will save everyone time.
  4. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Halo Wars is rated T
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I was just about to say that.

    I'm 14 and play a lot of M games. Nobody cares about ESRB ratings anymore except for overprotective parents.
  6. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    I just say play the ****in game and get over it.
  7. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    i know but its a pain in the ass when i have ask my dad to come to the counter with me to buy a damn game thats rated M.

    Also sorry i actually dont own Halo wars so i searched the cover and there was an M in the corner so my bad
  8. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    I just say play the ****in game and get over it.
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Age limitations are always needed in cases like these, and with things like cigarettes and drinking (While those obviously have a different effect on the consumer, it's mandatory). Why sell games like F.E.A.R. to 8 year olds, with no parent/guardian consent? Or say games that could cause medical issues like trauma/seizures/etc.? Or even legal issues. Say a child buys a game with no parental consent that has strong sexual innuendo, violence, and gore, the parents could easily sue the store accountable to the deal, and they would have a nice check to hand out.

    And as if calling Mommy or Daddy is so hard after all.
  10. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Yea, no kidding. It feels weird asking your parents to go with you to EB games to pick up a game that is rated M. :(

    I also disagree with halo 3 being rated M. Even though I bought mine off kijij, there is not much evidence to support this being rated mature. The only upside to this I can think of, is that at least we don't have as many 5 year old's complaining over live. Like honestly, no one cares about what you must say, STFU!
  11. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Maybe because of the flood because those scenes get pretty gorry.
  12. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Because the game experience most definately will change in online play. Change for the worse.
  13. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    but the esrb doesnt rate online play witch is why they put a Warning-Experience may change during online play or something close to that.
  14. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I agree with ESRB ratings. Halo...is between T and M, IMO, and probably should've been a T-rated game. Most kids should not be playing GTA and Bioshock, most who get whatever they want and get it from their parents are totally immature TBH.
  15. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    I agree although i got bioshock because at the tme it was a cheap 30 bucks so why not, but that game is brutally violent.

    I dont care much for GTAs mindless killing
  16. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Its rated M for Mature because the flood scenes get really gore-y.
  17. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    In the UK it's rated by the BBFC, so it's a 15 whereas GTA IV and Bioshock are both 18 rated.

    Brutes probably inspire the "contains strong violence". It's not gorey, but there are scenes where they disembowel mareines and stuff. Also sometimes when you kill them they let out this really long drawn out death groan, which peaters out into smaller whimpers as they fade out.

    Also when the flood infect live brutes and elites it sounds pretty bad.
    But yeah, they only say bastard and that's the worst word in the game. (I watched The Italian Job yesterday and they said bastard in that. It's a PG film)

    Dunno about Halo Wars. I guess the awful voice acting in the cutscenes is just too much for the faint of heart...
  18. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    it was givin it because of the expected online play

    that's not bad at all. i think the first max payne (or something) was rated M for violence only. I mean c'mon no blood no language just violence. lol They don't know wat they are doing. They just rate them.
    #18 Blaze, May 28, 2009
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
  19. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Never sounded so true. The sequel needs better voice acting. And the talking head animations need to go, that creeps the **** out of me.

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