I got this pic when i was lagging alot and i was still in First person view but i was dead, albeit my healthbar and all is showing, oh well comments please
I agree with meltyourtv - good concept, but the first person ruins it and it could do with an effect. Did you get the name from the band As I Lay Dying by any chance?
whats with all you people and effects? you cant ad an effect to a picture after you take it, it was an accedent, read before you post "this happened during a game when it was laggy" it was durring a game,you cant just plan this stuff, and how else would you know he was alive if it wasnt first person? omj...
thank you for understanding. This was taking during a game. I had no intentions of trying to get a pose or a special effect. Its in first person is what makes this screenshot different. Im in First person view but im still alive and on the ground dying hence the title. and yes the i love the band and it reminded me of this screenshot, or maybe the other way around... It is what it is