They just started playing together a month or 2 ago and they have a practice video up so I thought I'd share it. This is theyre first time with a PA system too. They play sort of heavy rock, so if you don't like that kind of music please don't comment rudely. Thanks. YouTube - ATAB - Days Unknown YouTube - ATAB - New Chapter (hope lies) Please leave them comments on their video!
I like it. Do they have anymore songs? Or is that the first? I'm not much of a fan of the guy singing at 4:35, but maybe that's just me. Guitar solo at 4:20 is great and overall they're looking good. Can you post more songs or send them to me next time you get a video up?
Aw, no big finish? Oh well. That was actually pretty decent. The only part I was unsure on was the verses with that little guitar screech, but other than that pretty good.
They are really good, good sticking with each other, also his screams are actually better than most I hear, mine took me a while and few lessons to get, but now its fun, and he seems to have a good voice, I think they done a great job.
You guys should leave these comments on the video itself. There you may be able to get the tabs, though I do know how to play, I haven't been following there guitar much so I wouldn't be able to tell you. YouTube - ATAB - New Chapter (hope lies) Yes they are. I do vocals as well and originally was going to be in the band but decided not to cause I just skiped practice to much and my vocals "die" after a bit. :-\ The guitarist is the one who sing sings. the creaming vocals are all the singer.
It was pretty awesome but the screams went flat a couple times. i never have that problem when doing screams lol. too bad i cant ever stay with a band. Lol another fun fact my first bands name was resix.
Ya. He is decent at screaming but not the best. This is his first band and they only started a few months ago. The story of the singer is kinda funny... He used to be an acdc sort of person and hated metal and stuff then we started hangiong out. :-D Now he's just another grindcore kid. (though we listen and play a lot of things grindcore is most of our favorites)
The second one's good. I like how the screaming is faded in a way. It seems much more mellow and it's good to have a variety of songs. Keep up the good work. I'll check back when you post more.