Combustible"][/URL] Combustible is a figure-8 shaped symmetric map built for small teams. It is set up for Slayer, CTF, Assault, Oddball, and King of the Hill. Weapon List Battle Rifle x8 Assault Rifle x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Needler x2 SMG x4 Sword x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Frag Grenade x8 Plasma Grenade x8 Mongoose x2 These are the spawns for each team"][/URL]"][/URL] This is the lower part of each base (The grav lift is set to instant respawn)"][/URL] This is a window that goes all the way to the other base"][/URL] Here are two looks down one of the main two hallways. One is from the forst floor and the other is from the second floor [/URL] <A href='http://"] [/URL] The Hallway in the middle has the power weapons The lower floor spawns the sword [/URL] The Second Floor spawns the Rocket Launcher [/URL] As far as I know the map is inescapable if you find otherwise, let me know Action Shots [/URL] [/URL] Download Combustible Any Criticism is Welcome
I like the layout, its a unique idea to make it like that. The multi window sort of hallway thing is cool too, i can see some interesting fast shot sniper battles happening there. Map looks well made, doesn't look escape proof at least what i can see and it looks like you took time and put effort into the map. Good job. 4.5/5 and I'll DL once i clear my cache.
I agree, besides the fact you could of tooken alot more time to geo-merge to make things more pleasing to look at. But it is a nice layout, and a good idea. Good job.
there might be a way to get out like double jumping or getting on top of a moongoose and then grenade jumping out and if u have any fusion coils u can jump out like that to i am just saying even thought your map looks very well done
Do you mean doesn't look escapable? There aren't any fusion coils on the map but the mongoose thing might work ill have to try that out
map looks solid and fairly nice, i will have a forge through later, but for now i will admire the pictures...hmm...admired now to play a game on it. Will edit my post in later when i get a chance to try this one out. Nice map
there definitely is a way..those trianglar things (idk what they are called sry) u can just grenade jump on then u can jump on top of the wall from there. extremely easy to get out