Sandbox Complexity

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by j1m P4ns3n, May 27, 2009.

  1. j1m P4ns3n

    j1m P4ns3n Ancient
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    First I have to say, this is my very first post here at FH.

    Conplexity is a medium sized, asymmetrical map locate
    d in the Skybubble of Sandbox.

    Unfortunately, this map is only compatible with slayer/team slayer, because I couldn't create any further objects :(

    This map is works best with slayer/ team slayer (2v2-3v3), one flag ctf, one bomb and oddball ffa.

    Weapon List:

    -BR x5, respawn 45 sec., 2 spare clips
    -Sniper rifle x1, respawn 180 sec., 1 spare clip
    -Rocket launcher x1, respawn 180 sec., 1 spare clip
    -Shotgun x1, respawn 180 sec., 0 spare clips
    -Plasma rifle x2, respawn 30 sec.
    -Needler x1, respan 90 sec., 2 spare clips
    -Spiker x2, respawn 30 sec., 2 spare clips
    -Machine gun turret x1, respawn 120 sec.


    -Fragmentation grenade x2, respawn 10 sec.
    -Plasma grenade x 4, respawn 10 sec.
    -Regenerator x1, respawn 90 sec.
    -Power drainer x1, respawn 90 sec.
    -Active camo x1, respawn 180 sec.



    Red Base (turret finally removed)

    Blue Base

    Center (notice the 3 floors in the background)

    Sniper tower (notice the wallholder for the fusion coil)

    Lift tower (power drainer spawns in front of it)

    Shotgun spawn

    Active camo (right under the sniper tower)

    Rocket spawn (1st floor of the lift tower)

    Tunnel entrance to lift tower

    View fron below

    Download link, in case you missed the first one.


    #1 j1m P4ns3n, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
  2. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    This map looks pretty nice I must say, the pictures are very nice and the gameplay is set up to be something good. The weapon choice is good aprt from a sniper, is it really needed on this small map? The only other problem i have is that you need to have more gametypes set up otherwise people wont nessersairly dl your map, i suggest using the skybubble stacked map you can find on bungie.
  3. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    This is a pretty sweet map you got here.
    The interlocking looks pleasing aswell.
    And it's partially multi-floored which is pretty cool.

    One suggestion, for a map of this size, isnt a turret a little over powering?
  4. j1m P4ns3n

    j1m P4ns3n Ancient
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    First, I thought that, too, but it spawns every only every 2 minutes.
    In addition, one cleverly thrown frag derstroys the turret.
  5. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    A destroyed turret is still a useable one. And why would you blow it up if no one is in it. I have to say I like every placement of every weapon on your map, you even put thought into respawn times, except that turret. I'm sorry but it just kills the maps play. I would use a needler which sounds like a bad replacement but it's quite powerfull on your map. Putting weapon issues asside you map is extreamly well forged even for someones 10th map let alone first. I admire the smooth walkways, the life saving gaurdrails and the overall geometry and architechture that cut down the lines of sight quite well. You have done a good job my only suggestions would be ix-ne on the el turrenta and add your invis to the list of equipment. Other than that map well done.

    Edit: Not that this matters but you can play juggernaught on your map.

    Also in my opinion if you deleted the turret you could put in an oddball spawn allowing for FFA oddball since you don't really need starting points for that. Just a sugestion to make your map a little more diverse in gameplay ability. I also like the floating fusion coil it's a nice touch.
    #5 Canadians360, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  6. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    hm this map reminds me of lockout good job!
  7. PanicxDisco

    PanicxDisco Ancient
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    i really like the map, and although you said you could not do any other game variants because you had already used the max number of items, just go into forge and change the gametype to CTF for example and the flags are on the midsection of sandtrap (where the bottom floor not the basment, and you can trust me i downloaded it and tested it out.)

    the only changes i would make would be to set the rockets with no extra clips, and take out the kill ball because it doesnt cotribuit to the play ability of the map and just makes a bunch of annoying noise. (if i am wrong about the kill ball at all i just didnt see anything that it did)

    and message me when you make your changes because i will download it.
    #7 PanicxDisco, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  8. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
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    IMO, the turret isn't that bad. One turret won't hurt the map play, plus if you have rockets and camo that somewhat evens out the field. It looks like a doubles or FFA slayer would be really fun on the map. I don't download too many, but this would be one I would give a shot to. Very nicely done.
  9. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Yup he is right all your objective needs are still on the ground floor quick double check. But sadly no. A turret for 2v2 that's causing me to grind my teeth just thinking about it. And even if rockets blew up the turret the rocket guy would proceed to pick it up leaving little defense. Also the rockets are less frequent than the turret that's just not right. Can you name a bungie map with just one turret, or even a really popular map this small with one... no. It just doesn't work if you have to keep it which for the sake of your map I hope you don't get some fusion coils behind it to stop the unlimited amo problem well not fix but help. Still wish it was gone.
    #9 Canadians360, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  10. Ahogan11

    Ahogan11 Ancient
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    this looks like you made alot of good things on this map i realy like the fusion coil holeder idea the map looks like it would be fun for a 2.v.2 game or something ill dl adn look at it 4.3/5
  11. j1m P4ns3n

    j1m P4ns3n Ancient
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    ok, tomorrow I'm gonna remove the turret^^
    btw, thanks for the nice feedback :)
    #11 j1m P4ns3n, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  12. sleeper7642

    sleeper7642 Ancient
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    Looks quite good, especially for your first post on forgehub. The design is set up very nicely, and the aesthetics are top-notch. The forging looks clean, but the problem, as has been said before, is that the map only supports TS. 4/5, but no download.
  13. j1m P4ns3n

    j1m P4ns3n Ancient
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    I just uploaded v2, now the turret is removed, and I ad some different gametypes (one flag, one bomb, oddball).
  14. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Well I am glad you finaly delted the turret. Ive downloaded and have played several games. Overall it was incredibly fun. I hope you get a few more people to look at this and download with the new version up. The added gametypes are a definate plus. I would replace that turret picture though it can be missleading. Anyway nice job and I admire your willingness to listen to feedback and improve. Well done.
  15. j1m P4ns3n

    j1m P4ns3n Ancient
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  16. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    This map looks very well made and i would probably download it if i had a functional xbox atm. The only thing that concerns me is the ramp in your 'center' picture. it looks too steep to walk up.
  17. j1m P4ns3n

    j1m P4ns3n Ancient
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    i just noticed, on the "center"-pic i had added a wall, because before that, you could grenade-jump onto the pipe, and from there on the huge blocks.
    so i just wanted to say, that my map's now unescapeable :).
    (sry, i am currently not able to upload pics from the updated version)
  18. Runic Aries

    Runic Aries Ancient
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    The first thing i noticed about your map was the ledges (ie: the bridge and part of a block) that exist on the outside of the map, would it be possible to block those off?

  19. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    I played a few games on this map, and honestly... they weren't very fun. The map looked really cool, and the layout was ok, but there were some serious problems that negatively effected the gameplay. First of all, I cannot begin to describe how frustrating it is to simply strafe off the edge of the map. When the walkways are thin, you need to make sure that there are railings or something to prevent this from happening.
    The second main issue was the spawns. Almost every time someone was killed, they spawned with an enemy either facing them or with an enemy close enough to immediately attack. I'm not sure how you would fix this, but it needs to be done.
    The forging itself is very nice. The structures are well-built and there is good use of interlocking.

    Overall, this map has some potential, and with some modifications can be truly great.
  20. j1m P4ns3n

    j1m P4ns3n Ancient
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    but actually i have those railings everywhere?
    i don't know where you could fall down...
    to the spawn problem: with how many do you played?
    because i played 2v2, and 5 player ffa and it worked really fine, i didn't have any problems with spawns.

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