REC Center Download------> Rec Center Map Discription Rec Center is a purely aesthetic map. It has no gameplay and is just for messing around. It is on foundry, and I made this sometime last year when sandbox wasnt out yet. I hope to make a V2 during the summer on sandbox. Attractions/Buildings Front Desk Pool Slide Tiki Bar Workout room Basketball Court Diving Board Lockers PICS The Front Desk [/URL] My signature B-Ball court [/URL] Swish [/URL] Workout/Taning/Whatever you want to call it Room [/URL] The Locker Rooms [/URL] Lockers [/URL] Getting my bathing suit (lol) [/URL] Sink with Mirror [/URL] My awsome comfy Couch [/URL] Tiki Bar [/URL] Have a drink at the TIKI BAR! [/URL] The Pool (datdatada) [/URL] Diving Board [/URL] Overview [/URL] I hope you enjoy REC CENTER ^^^^^^^ DL in case you missed it : Halo 3 File Details If you wish to see my other maps or pics, my file share link is right here : Halo 3 File Share
Looks pretty sweet. This would be good for machinima or, like you said, just messing around on. What would make it really cool is if you somehow incorperated some kind of playable gametype into it, possibly some kind of cops and robbers, or maybe infection. You would probably need to add in barriors of some sort for infection, or make things spawn after a certain amount of time. Overall, a good forge, but because you can't really do much besides mess around, i'll give you a 3.5/5
Hey, sorry I didn't reply to this sooner. While not the most orignal idea I have seen, it is probably the best exicuted. I could sit there all day and play basketball. I love how clean the pool is and I love the high diving board. I do recommend one thing though. You should overlap multiple shield doors for the water to make it brighter. 4/5
Thanks for you guys imput on the map. As I said in my post I will be making a V2 on sandbox for better results. If you have any ideas to make the map better I would greatly appreciate it.
someone should turn this into a cops and robbers map. this looks like the kind of map that could work wel with ghost busters games (even though i hate them) well done. i like the couch.
I down loaded the map and the tiki bar made me laugh, hahaha.... also i liked the pool, and the lockers were cool to, you di a good job with the budget and the couch i liked to.
This is the ultimate (and only) rec center i have ever seen.Good job for creativity and clever ways of inttuperiting buildings and such
I am thinking in making a high dive, tennis court, gym, and a second floor on V2. If anyone has heard of Lifetime Fitness (a fitness club around the country) It will be sort of styled after this. Remember, please any ideas or forge tips would be greatly appreciated for V2, expected release is July 1 (give or take a few weeks) I will not start on V2 untill sometime in the next two weeks because of school. Thanks for your cooperation, and have a great SUMMER!!!!!
Generally it looks good, but maybe try to fix up that one wall in your second picture. Interlock it or something.