Well... This is my mini game map called Space Waste and now for a short celebration of my first map post on Forgehub.com! (i hope all the images work becuz ik how to embed and ive been here for a few months) but ANYWAY onto the actual map The map is sort of a remake of Trash Compactor, but i added a few things, i have 2 levels on my map (so u spawn on the 2nd and then its possible to get knocked down to the 1st) and i also have teleporters as a back wall so if you get pushed into the the teleporters (knocked into space) you die... and my original goal was not to have as much clutter around the back wall like trash compactor, but the bottom of the teleporters hit the objects most of the time and stop them from going outside NOW! ONTO THE BEST PART OF THE THREADS: PICTURES this is the zombies floor (where he knocks items into the man cannons) and here it is again from another angle this is the 2nd level that has a higher roof but less space forward and back This is the 1st level (well half of it anyway) this is the tele wall that kills u (the other half of the 1st level this is outside the tele wall where the clutter accumulates (also quite a few dead bodies) XD Action Pics!!! Zombie hitting stuff into the man cannons hmmmm this could turn out bad.... Me falling from the teleporter Me... Now thats wat u call PWN3D Download Map: HERE Download Gametype: HERE All criticism and rating welcome i hope to churn out some more maps for all of u and plz note, this is NOT my best map... its just the one i made most recently and i havent finished some of my projects yet so i hope to post some of those soon
Hmm... This is one of those game you kinda have to try out to see what it is. I had played trash compactor some, and a big problem was hiding behind dumpsters and crates etc.. so I really like the teleporter idea. The two level idea was definately a gutsy move, because some of the stuff might not make it all the way down to the first floor. But for a first post and for actually remaking this ANCIENT map lol, I give you two thumbs up
hmmm. interesting. i woulda made boxes respan and the place gets smaller and last one alive wins. but it looks really well done. i like the teleporters so people dont cheat. great remake. 5/5!
ths is very well forged and pretty original, the only game like this is trash compastor and its almost esaxtly like this but built alot differntly. very nice job on the interlocking and smoothness of the walls itsself great job 5/5 EDIT: oh i like the tele wall, it makes it so there is a boundry kinda and u could be pushed back into it to die
looks good but i hav eone question, are you gonna remake this on sandbox? yes i know your all thhinking"but there is going to bea millon maps on sandbox." and i realize that but i just think this will be a good idea, theres supposibley more man cannon like things and there is killballs instead of death teles. plus i think that sandbox would give it a more of a wastle land esque feel. as for the map right now all that looks different fom all the others is the two storys and the tele wall so im not going to download.
I really loved games like The Vent, and Trash Compactor, but a very big problem was that everyone hid behind the objects, and were pretty much invincible. But now the teleporters can let the objects fly through, but not you, so there will be no objects to hide behind, AWESOME IDEA. 5/5 because i love these games, and you actually thought of ways to make it better.
thank you! thats a great idea but my only suggestions is covering up the roof or making the walls higher so ppl cannot get out
the walls for the zombie? o i forgot to mention the zombie has 200% gravity so he cant get out... thats y i put the stairs and dumpsters surrounding the ramped area... ALSO i am redoing the bottom floor so hopefully most of the clutter wont get caught on the bottom floor and the grav lift for the zombie was taken out since it wouldnt allow items to go to the bottom floor and the zombie could then break the map i will update this thread w/ new pics
this looks like a well forged trash compactor and i like the idea of the back where trash accumulates.
holy ****/!!!!!!!i had the same frewakin telelporter idea... earlier in january in global clas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!awesome,,, this is amazing and is good cuz of the 2 levels......but my idea aslo had shield doors lining the walls to ad a challenge of like bouncing soccerballs and mongeese.. great map, def dl.........everyone should have this if they love trash comapacter