Foundry Calibre

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Chicken Dippah, May 27, 2009.

  1. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created By Chicken Dippah

    Download Calibre: Here
    Map Description:
    This is a small map focusing on the team sizes of 2v2, The map features almost everything to be geomerged slightly into the ground or wall trying to force the smooth flow every forger is attempting to create. I have replicated the interior side of foundry in reverse to its original position creating 2 small bases facing directy opposite with a small no-mans land area with 3 possible entrances. The map as a whole took roughly 3 weeks to create (I'm not a fast forger).

    1) 4 Battle Rifle (1 In each base with 0 extra clips, 2 Central with 2 extra clips)
    2) 6 Frag Grenade (Central - No Mans Land)
    3) 2 Smg (1 In each base)
    4) 2 Magnum (1 In each base)
    5) 2 Spike Grenade (Alley next to each base)
    6) 1 Deployable Cover (Central [Lower])

    Compatible Gametypes:
    There are 3 main compatible gametypes however due to the size of the map a one second invunerability may be helpful:
    1) Standard Team Slayer
    2) Standard 2 Flag CTF
    3) Standard 2 Bomb Assault









    Download Calibre: Here
    #1 Chicken Dippah, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  2. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't mind the look of this map. The lines of sight seem perfect. Everything seems to have a great angle of attack. Not to mention it's an aesthetic wonder, as well. The line down the center, is that meant to be a train track? Whatever it is, it must've taken ages to line it up underneath the map. I really like the look of this, a quick, short, straight into the action kind of map. Great job dude, the three weeks you invested really paid off.

  3. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    A 2v2 map with wall set up for assault, ctf and slayer? This reminds me alot (and i mean alot) of my Symmetrics map. None the less even though it has been done before this map looks alot cleaner than my one and has alot, and i mean alot more merging. Well done 4/5 because it is quite small and im a bit jealous. :)
  4. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To Prodigious- You gave it a 4/5 because it's small and your jealous? And you advertise your map when they really are not similar..

    When I saw this map I instantly jumped down to que it. You can tell how much you worked for the aesthetics here, and the map structure itself is perfectly clean and just very good. There is no real power weapon, but this could be a good change from most maps. There will be more focus on gaining control and ground than camping around waiting for rockets. My one concern is the lack of spawn cover, but I guess as you said a short invulnerability can make up for it. I'm glad you took your time for this, it really came out great.
    #4 Mr Garfunkle, May 27, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  5. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    Looks pretty amazing bro.
    3 weeks to create, I wouldnt worry about the number.
    It looks like it was def worth the wait.
    Great job on the interlocking, and adding a smooth gameplay.
  6. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey guys thanks for the comments I hope this map gets some publicity :)
    mastersync23: Yeah it was originally going to be a train track however i liked the look so much and didn't want to waste it on a common train map that every one has seen before.

    Prodigious 7k: I would prefer it if you didn't advertise on my thread page but all the same thanks for the comments

    Mr P1B: Thanks man it's nice to be appreciated every now and then, I hope you enjoy
  7. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Wow, the aesthetics are really impressive. I'll definitely download and check it out. It must have taken a very long time to make all the fence walls in the ground, but they turned out very well. Nice weapon choices too, I really don't like it when people put lots of power weapons in small maps, it ruins the map in my opinion.
  8. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks cory21, when you check it out could you give me some feedback im all for improving things.
  9. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Honestly this map says to me: "Looks at mai smexy geomerges!"

    IDK though, gameplay might be pretty good.
  10. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The gameplay is fluent, good is only depending on what you prefer - for example if you like rocket launchers and big booms this isn't a good map for you however if you like map control and BR's it might just be :)

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