Dark Park This race is my first "Double Wide" race, this is also my first post on forge-hub! This is a challenging race and as it says in the (confusing) description, it takes a lot of practice I can do the race without falling off almost every time so there you go.I am very proud of this race and i think it was well worth the day it took to make it. I am in need of teaching, i need to know how to post pictures. feel free to tell me what you think. But just to clear things up the whole thing is not double wide, i know! and also i realize it is short, get over it. Download Link- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
yes you should use that it will help... and if you don't post pictures that are embedded then this thread will get locked and also no one wants to look at a map they don't even know about =P
This thread is not up to standards. You have 24 hours from when it was posted to fix it or it will be locked. Any more posts stating this is not up to standards will be harshly infracted.
My computer has been going frustratingly slow lately and i am unable to follow the picture posting tutorials. it starts going fast on the 4th please don't lock it.
Once you have learned how to post screenshots, send me a PM and i will delete this thread for you, then you may re-post a new shiny thread full of win and pictures etc. :lock: