
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Composite Ghost, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. Composite Ghost

    Composite Ghost Ancient
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    Map Title: Clutter

    Download Map



    -1 bubble shield -1 trip mine

    -1 gravlift -2 deployable covers

    -1 over shield

    1 assault rifle

    3 battle rifles

    3 shotguns

    1 sniper rifle

    2 smgs

    2 spikers

    1 magnum

    1 plasma pistol

    3 plasma rifles

    1 needler

    1 rocket

    1 Spartan laser

    2 maulers

    Alright, This is Clutter, both my first forge hub map and my first Foundry map. Clutter is named as such because of how it looks at first glance but it is more organized than it appears. Clutter is divided into three levels, ground level, second floor, and the “roofsâ€.

    Ground Level-

    Ground level is a not-very-difficult maze that takes up most of the of the map. There are a few entrances into the maze, one is in an open Double Box another is just a plane opening in the wall and another is a little harder to see because it is kind of behind stairs. Any one can also enter the maze from the above two levels. The maze has the Spartan Laser in it among other weapons. Separate from the maze is a small cut off section with three walls in it to provide cover should there be a gun fight there (which has happened to me while playing) as well as a deployable cover, two SMGs and two Plasma Rifles. ALSO where the in one of the two off rooms (I don’t know what else to call them) that are separate from the factory floor there is a spawn point spike grenades, plasma grenades, a plasma rifle, a shotgun, a assault rifle, and a battle rifle. In the other one, which has a wall cutting it off from ground level, there is a over shield and incendiary grenades as well as a man cannon to get out.

    Second Floor-

    The second floor is mostly open double boxes and bridges, the rocket spawns on this level as well as a shotgun and the needler and a few other weapons I can’t name right now since I’m not playing it as I type this. The second level starts on top of two double box platforms with stairs leading to them. There are several good places to drop down on people on this level, which can lead to a nasty surprise for the person in the maze below. The second level is also how you get to gunfight hallway other than spawning there. Sorry this section is rather short because I can’t think of much to say about it.


    “Roofs†is in quotes because I wouldn’t necessarily call it a roof. This level is simply the top of the second floor on top of the double boxes. A sniper spawns at the highest point (atleast I think it’s the highest) in the map which in most games allows a good view but some if not most spots are hard to see due to walls and boxes. There is also a Spiker here. The most useful part of this floor, however, is dropping onto the floors below. I know I said that with the second floor but from this floor you can land on either of the lower floors and it prevides a better view of whats below you.

    Few Screenshots



    one of the off rooms

    gunfight hallway

    view from sniper spawn


    view of maze(other level removed)

    Well that is Clutter. Hope you like it.
  2. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    Looks like an interesting map, but try straightening the bridges and boxes up.
  3. Composite Ghost

    Composite Ghost Ancient
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    what do you mena by straitning
  4. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    im not sure if this is your first map (or even your first post), but this map needs some VERY bad work on it. Also, your post is a little wrong, so visit the post on ...well, posting your map. Also, like Capwnage said, your walls, bridges, boxes, everything needs work- it's pretty sloppy. If you would like some help, my GT is skittlemeister0, and I highly reccomend you ask me for some.

    P.S. i am not going to continue to look at this post, so any more posts directed toward me won't count for horse feces.
  5. Composite Ghost

    Composite Ghost Ancient
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    The walls, i will admit, need some work I was still getting used to foundry when I made this map (I've made maps before this is just my first FOUNDRY map) as for the bridges thier "sloppiness" was supposed to be the style of the map. The boxes I'll have to double check.

    As for posting it wrong, I will try and fix that tommorow, I'm tired right now.
  6. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    I think that you should check out the forging 101 videos on interlocking, even though you said that the slopiness is the style of the map, it is not a style you should use, when playing it it felt more like the map was just sloppy, and you named it clutter as more of an excuse for the slopiness. This is your first foundry map we shouldn't set our expectations high,
    but you should use some forging techniques to make the map more playable.
  7. Composite Ghost

    Composite Ghost Ancient
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    I had seen interlocking before I just didn't know WHAT could interlock so I only did it to a few boxes. The name wasn't made as an excuse for sloppiness, the name was just a name.

    I'll be more careful with my next map I think this one is beyond repair.
  8. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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