Ok well today I finished the basic design of an infection map I've been working on. I placed a few weapons and when testing the map I found a major flaw, all the humans could take the swords from the dead infected. The only way I could figure out to fix this is to remove all the weapons and set weapon pickup to disabled. However this ruins the theme of my map. So my first question is, How can I make it so the humans can pickup weapons, but not the swords from dead infected? Second, the humans can escape the zombies, and refuel on ammo by just running into the guardians (made on middle level of sandbox), I tried giving base players one life, but that applies to the zombies as well. Is there anyway I can fix this without some sort of honor rule? Third, I am a bit iffy on my weapons on this map right now. I'm aiming for the map to support 6-10 humans with 2-3 alpha zombies (7-minute rounds). Right now my weapon layout consists of: 3 snipers - 0 clips each 2 shotguns - (0 clips) (1 clip) 1 flamethrower 1 turret 4 AR - 1 clip each (one respawning) 5 BR - 1 clip each (one respawning) 4 SMG - (three 1-clips (one respawning)) (one 2-clip) 5 spiker - (pair of 0 clips) (pair of 1 clips) (one 2 clip) 5 magnums - (pair of 1 clips) (pair of respawning 1 clips) (one 2 clip) 2 plasma rifles 3 needlers - 1 clip each 2 brute shot - (0 clip) (1 clip) 1 rocket - 1 clip 3 maulers (one 0 clip) (two 1 clip) -- all weapons set never respawn except ones I listed as respawning -- Is this too large or little an amount of weapons for the amount of players and length on time I'm aiming for? And what would you suggest if you were to change it? If it helps, zombies have default shield settings, humans do normal damage. I also have two pics if it helps.
To your first question, its impossible. For the second, have starting points for humans in one room, but have respawn points somewhere so they get trapped. So if they commit suicide, the respawn points give them infinite death or something. Don't overload your map with weapons. I'm not saying that you did, but I can't really understand the scenario of weapons without actually playing the map.
1) Usually the human weapons are better than swords, so there's no reason to pick the swords up and get into sword duels with the zombies when you can just shoot them. Don't worry too much about it. 2) Since the weapons are set to never respawn, running into the lasers will only refill your starting weapon's ammo. Make the starting weapon something really crappy (Like the plasma pistol) so there's no point in refilling: you find a weapon and you stick with it. 3) If you use my previous suggestion (Starting weapon should be crappy) then the weapon layout is alright. 3 snipers and 5 BRs is a lot of scoped weapons though, and turrets are usually overpowered in zombie maps. You should try choosing only about 5 different weapons to place, and using a lot of those, instead of using a few of every kind of weapon.
About the whole "infinite death thing" if they respawn like lets say in the skububble and contiuously fall, they would never get infected and end up being safe for the rest of the round. I may just make some kind of telebox thing (like in some conquest maps) but use respawns instead of teles. I could just increase the clips in some weapons, and reduce the amount of them on the map, but I'm just unsure of exactly how much ammo I'll need to support this many players for the length of time I'm aiming for. As for Chedder's suggestion, I think that just using a bunch of the same kind of weapons would definately be the way to go and I'll probably try that out.
Put respawn points so they spawn in a little box near the zombie spawn, and the zombies can kill them with a sword/hammer but they won't be able to shoot, due to a shield door. Make something funny.
Your first question is impossible to do. Unless you want to give a spawn trait to the humans allowing them to pick up weapons only in like the first 30-60 seconds of the game. Try and do something like that. I do understand what you mean, I hate it when Humans pick up the Infected LeftOvers.