Brutes are on this arena I was inspired by the bull dome games to make this. It was very fun with the few people we had I wanted to make it like normal zombies except the zombie was a chopper. The map has destructable buildings and it has buildings that have walls that can be smashed, nothing on the map respawns except the fuel rod gun's and the choppers. I will explain more in the pictures. Gametype: Alpha Zombie: 0% damage full vehicle use 200% gravity 75% speed 300% damage resistence magnum start Zombie: 25% damage no vehicle use 100% gravity 100% speed invulnerable needler start Non--Infected normal other than no vehicle use and SMG start Pictures: [/URL] Overview [/URL] overview 2 and destructible building [/URL] zombie spawn (teleporter in the back is where infected go if they are red) [/URL] brutes coming to splatter humans (teleporters in back are death teleporters) [/URL] destructible building [/URL] destructible towers [/URL] small house with destructible wall [/URL] large house with destructible walls [/URL] after your infected you'll end up here [/URL] oh crap [/URL] torch them download> : Halo 3 File Details download> : Halo 3 File Details [/URL] neon
i like the smashable idea but not evrything is smashable maybe you could make an entirely destructible sequel. It also sounds a bit like cat and mouse or whatever its called.
You should've called this Brutes are on the prowl. You should also have just made this a one life gametype because trapped zombies with fuel rod guns... that just ruins the game man... I love what you've done here though. This is a wonderful hybrid mix of Smear the Pinkie and Tremors and Mouse.
I myself think this is pretty good, and I'm looking forward to a V2. But the following changes should be made. 1)Completely destructible and movable environment(no boxes) 2)Get rid of the trapped zombies with fuel rod guns. They ruin the point of it, so just keep it as 1 life. 3)Perhaps use prowlers(unless foundry doesn't have, which I believe it doesn't, but in that case you could just make it on sandbox), because the gun for the chopper destroys all the destructible buildings, which I suppose kind of ruins it too. Or, you could add the honor rule so you can't shoot with the chopper. So the humans are supposed to kill the zombies right? Just wondering, since you didn't write a very clear objective..
Thanks for the tips I was forging on sandbox until i realized there were hardly any large moveable objects (actually I think there was only one) and I was going to have prowler but yes, foundry doesn't have them. the chopper's guns can only knock down the pallets and kind of move the wire spools. I think in my V2 I'll have immovable objects but I'll use them as hills not buildings. I think i'll have an aerial "jail" for the infected that they can't hurt anyone in, because the brutes usually get a few people then die and then they come out again. Is my sig too big