New to Forging: Please answer some of my questions?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by tianJinhobo, May 24, 2009.

  1. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    All objects have those little glowing tear drop looking things that say where they will spawn but I also set spawn points on sufaces since they don't get in the way and will float you can use them as markers. And I'm glad to help.
  2. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
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    another genius idea :) Already Im developing ideas for a territories or conquest style map.
  3. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    10. How do you make a racetrack that curves and tilts in mid-air?

    As far as I know the start of an upward curve is done free hand slightly altering the angle. Once you are on the desired incline you use guides to keep your track at a set angle. Example would be making a road of double walls, before each next piece is added a forger would place something like a double box on top. That way when they start a new round they just make a new double wall and place it under the double box to keep that constant smooth angle. However for someone just learning interlocking it might not be the greatest idea to go for a racetrack do to its constand demand of skilled interlocking. But hey it would be good practice, just not sure how well it would turn out.
  4. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
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    ok thanks again!
  5. ZoonOn

    ZoonOn Ancient
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    Thanks for starting this thread, I had many of the same questions myself! I just picked up the Mythic DLC, completed a map on Sandbox middle but only used very basic interlocking techniques. Back to the forging board to see if I can't geomerge and interlock the crap out of this thing. It will be so nice not to have grenades go through the walls anymore.. :happy:
  6. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    The biggest thing is to get good at setting up guide objects and just mashing things against those guides to get precise locations. Anywhere you can, just build a corner with guides and then press your object into that corner. Then you just replicate that same guide setup elsewhere, and you get a match.

    As for building that circular tower you asked about, there's a simple trick for that besides eyeballing it and changing the angle a few degrees as was suggested. You can change the gametype in forge mode to get access to respawn areas, and then place a cylindrical respawn area of whatever radius you want. Then you just place all of your objects touching the edge of that area, and you have a perfect circle.
  7. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
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    thanks for that, Ill try it!
  8. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Since I haven't seen anyone else point it out, I'll tell you about teletapping... unless you already know. In that case, here's a refresher:

    When you're not host, which you can check by looking straight down when in monitor mode and turning into a human, and if you're still looking down, you're host, otherwise, you'll be looking straight forward, you go rather close (a foot or two above the ground) to the bottom part (the black triangle thing) of any teleporter, and looking down at it, you tap A a few times, picking it up and letting it go in rapid succession (every half-second). It should drop through the floor of the map (this works on any and every map). If it is a receiver node, make sure you're still holding it when it falls through the floor, otherwise it will fall and disappear; that problem doesn't exist for sender and two-way nodes since there is a top part as well. You can then save-quit it in place.

    If it is a sender or two-way node, and the top part of the teleporter is the part resting on the floor of the map, you can't teleport to another teleporter with it, but if the bottom part is in the map, you can. If the top part is floating above the floor, you can take it. To make the entire teleporter under the map, and you are on a DLC map with immovable boxes, use the single-box method to go under the map (Spawn a box on flat ground, set it to not spawn at the start, start a new round, stand where it will spawn as a human, and when it does, move slightly. It will force you under the map, and you have to become a monitor just as you go beneath the map, otherwise you'll die). Before you go under the map though, move the teleporter's top part into where the box will spawn as well. Then when you're under the map, pick it up, and it will go entirely under. Save-quit it in place. If the teleporter is upside-down, you can take it, and you can move it around from above the map because the tear-drop should show through the floor. You can also take it if it is side-ways, with the orange arrows pointing directly down.

    You can also teletap the tube pieces on Sandbox to make smooth-floored tunnels.

    Also, if you're in the crypt (might also be main area), and you bring objects like walls under the map using the same method as you would sender nodes, and you save-quit them anywhere in place under the map, they will be geomerged mostly into the floor. You can even stack multiple objects under the map, and they will all be geomerged at the exact same height. This also works for all objectives like flag spawns and returns.
  9. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
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    cool thanks. just as clarification, which one of my questions does that answer? and also, so your basically bringing the entire object u want to geomerge underneathe the map to create smooth floors? Sorry if Im wrong.
  10. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Teletapping is a way of Geomerging, and its easy on Sandbox. If you need to get an object very low into the ground, geomerged, then this is a pretty easy way to do it.
  11. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    alright thanks!

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