Sandbox Supersede

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by S2T Jontan, May 26, 2009.

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  1. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    this not up to forgehub standars could someone please give him the link cheers
  2. sonofnight94

    sonofnight94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Posts need at least one/two or more embedded pics or your post will be locked.

    [SIZE=+2][SIZE=+2]Here is a link on how to embed[/SIZE]
  3. S2T Jontan

    S2T Jontan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok...umm i just created this account so lets see here..
  4. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    You should read the rules when you join.
    go to haloscreenshots they have all the screenshots youve ever taken there just give em your gt and copy the forgehub link at the bottom of the pics and then paste em into your original post
  5. S2T Jontan

    S2T Jontan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok well its downloading my pictures it says it might take a few minutes
  6. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    It loads quicker next time you go there.
  7. S2T Jontan

    S2T Jontan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good to no.. so can you check out my map?
  8. sonofnight94

    sonofnight94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    *sigh* close, but you have to EMBED them, not just put the link.......

    I'm going to TRY and explain this without pictures.

    1) Go to
    2) If you're not signed up, sign up
    3) Go to your service record, which is done by clicking Halo 3 in the upper right corner of the screen
    4) Go to Screenshot gallary
    5) Click "Recent Screenshots"
    6) Right Click the screenshot you want, go to Save picture as... and save it
    7) Repeat as many times as necessary
    8) Go to Photobucket
    9) Sign in/Sign up
    10) Go to "My Albums"
    11) Click "Choose Files" and upload your pics
    12) Move the cursor over the pic you want, Click the IMG Code, and save it
    13) Go to your post and copy the pic.....

    Viola Embedded Pic
  9. Runic Aries

    Runic Aries Ancient
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    I see the irony in this, but can we stop bumping this?
    all its doing is pushing all the good (forgehub standard) maps down, please fix your post or have it removed, and would everyone else please refrain from posting until it actually is at the standard?
  10. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Well I have actually looked at his pictures and am DLing at the moment. The bases are simple but look effective. Your map reminds me of the basic sandbox a little. It's not really all that unique but it looks fun. I would sugest getting a birds eye view picture along with a few more. You may also want to include a weapons list. I posted a pic of your map on your profile page so all you have to do is copy and paste it. I then gave a simple 4 click explination of how to embed screenshots. Please look at your profile click your name top right corner and just copy an paste the one I put there for you since map bumping solely saying embed pics isn't stopping here. Anyways I'll do a quick game tonight and see if I can get you some feedback by tomorrow. I hope this helps you. You can private message any questions to me.

    Also your floating platform in the center looks a bit too unatural for me. It would have been ok but the second large ramp up to it is also floating so it looks a bit funny. You may want to use walls as ramps instead but that's more of an esthetic thing. I'm also going to have to see how east it is to manuver vehicles in your map. I'm hoping it's easier than it looks but I think it passed the point of limiting a vehicles power and made the route through the middle certin problems most likely death. This would force the hogs to circle outside of the map which may be what you were going for, just thought I'd mention it. Again I'll play on it soon it looks like great vehicular carnage aka fun.
    #11 Canadians360, May 26, 2009
    Last edited: May 26, 2009
  11. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Lock due to incompetence.
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