Can you make a forged map with three or four flags? As in have multi-team CTF? That might be cool to play 4 teams of three each with a flag? Is it possible? Thanks, Phil
Unfortunatly not. In Halo 3, Bungie didn't implement the feature of more than 2 flags. It sucks, more than 2 flags would make for some nice multi-team maps.
No, not even multi-bombs. That's one of the shortcomings. I made this really cool 4-team map, and it couldn't use Neutral Flag or Multi-bombs. What? They worked in Halo 2!
No, unfortunately, you cannot have more than two flags on any given map. This really is quite "lame" because there are so many ideas that I come up with that would use such a thing. Anyway, before I start to cry, I'd better leave.