Does anyone know any free online rts games, non browser based, real time, im not really fussed but I do like age of empires, I liked end war on xbox and I liked the look of starcraft but thats payed.. iMA Cheapskate!
Dun has paypal.. Plus thats classed as spam because why would you tell me the price of a game that ive just told you im to cheap to buy... Im more opensource sort of person
You can get company of heroes and the first expansion for it for only 20$ If you look around on the streets you can find the money to buy starcraft within the hour
The most sensible post so far, thanks for the link, I may give it a download later, but all the rest of the posts are spam, except ASC'S who is just on the verge of spam. I said I want a link to a free RTS not how long it will take me to collect a foreign currency of the floor to buy a game that I wont be able to buy anyway because I dont have paypal, Now please no more ones ive listed in my first post and no more paid ones. Thanks
No offense but are you really expecting to find a good answer for a "free" "online" "rts" "non browser based" and you're comparing it to games that cost money? I'm sorry but what kind of results can you expect? You might as well stick with flash games like tower defense, probably the best thing you'll find for a free somewhat RTS, and really, I don't see why you can't easily get 10$ and get a game from the store. Its really that easy. First things first: Don't compare free, online, non browser based games to legendary RTS games. If you honestly expect to find a free game made by some indie company as good as an award winning RTS you might as well stop trying. If you'd like to lower your preferences, maybe it would be easier to help you, if its not already easy enough to buy a game from the 1990's.