I believe he was a stuntman who tried something a bit too challenging. Thus Epic Fail. @ callum thanx for posting some vids Ill watch and have let you know what I think in a few. Either way I'm glad to see someone besides me posting some hilarious content. Edit: Ok callum gotta say some of those where very funny thanx for posting but you were right about the cat things they kind of ruin the epic fail slides. IDK maybe cat people will like it but try and get solely fail content next time. You dont need to take it down though since nobody else has really posted anything yet. REMEMBER FEEL FREE TO POST YOUR OWN APPROPRIATE VIDS
Animal fails nice I think I got one of those. Diving Fail Tread mill fail Army Fail Real security fail Dignity, intelligence, common sense etc. fail Look both ways fail. REMEMBER FEEL FREE TO POST YOUR OWN APPROPRIATE VIDS
9,11 and 13 were EPIC FAILS!!! and we like the fail we feed on the failure of other people!lol! and it did uplift my spirit!