Sandbox Delta

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ehand88, May 24, 2009.

  1. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    D E L T A

    This is my third map posting on Forge Hub, and by coincidence, this map designed around the number three. The main idea behind this map is three, or basically a three sided triangular map with three bases. I had never seen a map with this concept, so I decided to create one. Of course, I decided on the name Delta, because the Greek letter Delta is basically the same shape as this map. So there is a little background info for those interested.

    Now about the map. Like I said there are three bases with pathways between each base, forming a triangle shape. The middle section is completely filled in, with three different levels (kinda). I tried to set this map up to play fairly for both a two team and three team set up (as well as FFA). There are a fair amount of power weapons, but it is mostly balanced. I provided multiple short range weapons for those tight areas, as well as long range weapons to accustom the long lines of sight. Delta is compatible with Slayer, Team Slayer, KOTH, Oddball, and Capture the Flag (also plays well on MLG TS). If anyone would like to help in testing out the map just let me know.

    (weapon : # on map - respawn time - clips)
    Battle rifle: 9 - 10 - 2
    Carbine: 3 - 30 - 2
    Sniper: 2 - 120 - 1
    Mauler: 2 - 90 - 1
    Plasma Rifle: 2 - 60 - --
    Spiker: 2 - 60 - 2
    Plasma pistol: 1 - 60 - --
    Rocket launcher: 1 - 150 - 1

    Plasma grenade: 6 - 20
    Frag grenade: 6 - 10

    Regenerator: 1 - 120
    Power Drain: 1 - 120

    *The weapons I have listed here have not been tested thoroughly and will most likely be updated after testing

    Now for the pics. (more pics added)

    Top overview

    Side overview

    Middle overview

    Another look

    White base overview (all are symmetrical)

    Lower level of white

    View from top white

    View from bottom red (carbine spawn)

    Bottom mid

    Blue to red hallway

    Top mid looking at red base

    Top hallway from blue to white

    Now for some of the current weapon locations

    Rocket spawn

    Most importantly, the tactical rocket jump (rockets are on the green platform)

    Maulers and regen (top right)
    It may seem like the middle is too powerful, but it is also very open and vulnerable.

    Sniper spawn (custom power up is just there to help players see the 2 sniper spawns)

    Power drain (between blue and red bases)

    Dual weapons (lower blue and red, plasma pistol-lower white) and plasma grenades


    Well, thanks for taking the time to look over this post. Please download this map and tell me what you think. All comments, suggestions and ideas are welcomed.

    Download Delta Here

    Also, I am almost finished with my next map. It is a remake of Showdown from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and will most likely be posted within the next week. So be on the lookout! I am trying to come up with a good name (other than Showdown) so if you want, you can post your suggestion here.

    Edit: Click here for COD4 Showdown

    Thanks again!

    #1 ehand88, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great. Pretty unique that its in the shape of a triangle, although i would like a top view of it to see the triangle shape... The levels to the map are also wuite good and gameplay on it looks solid. I`ll test this with friends once they log on. Love the screenshot with all the people, lol its epic! 4/5
  3. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    As what he said above, the map looks awesome.
    Pretty nice interlocking aswell, and looks like it'll have pretty solid gameplay.
    Only suggestions I would give are; just a few spots, and ares I would go back and re-angle a few things. Like the tunnels, I dunno if you ran out of item limit or not, but Put some tunnel ramps or something, other then that though it looks fairly well built.
    Great job.
  4. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I did have a few more pics, including a good overview from above, but I couldn't find them on haloscreenshots. I am going to get them up soon though. Thanks for the comment. I know I was pretty close to the item and budget limit, but I may be able to go add some of the ramps. Some areas are a little bumpy, and I will look it over for a v2.
    #4 ehand88, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  5. JIF or PNUT

    JIF or PNUT Ancient
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    Impressive, the only think I feel compeled to comment on is that this map gives sort of a 'Three-way Warlock/Wizard' looks inspired from the two. 8.8/10
  6. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I see what you mean. The main idea for this map was to have three bases surrounding a central power area, which everyone would fight over. Thanks for the comment.
  7. Jacks Frosties

    Jacks Frosties Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this looks awsome. very origional layout. Nice interloking, looks smoooth. 4.5/5
  8. Civil Heroes75

    Civil Heroes75 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This was an awesome map to play. Amazingly smooth. Tons of fun. 5/5
  9. F2P Game7ypes

    F2P Game7ypes Ancient

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    nice map
    that looks like fun.
    nice layout.maybe you could interlock some objects a little bit more but over all i really like it.

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