CnC from Icequiem

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Icecikle, May 14, 2009.

  1. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    Ugh... I ****ing hate how good art gets buried because everyone only comments on ****... ****. W/e. CnC.

    Edit: I'd prefer Ice cuz Hells already gave a little bit...
  2. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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    Well, I like they way you placed her, but the c4ds don't really work with it. They should be a different color, and whats with the weird reddish section behind her? Try some gradient maps, and turning down the opacity of the c4ds along with a color change(Can be done with the gradient maps)

    well the left side is good, and the smudging is okay. However the smudging on the right side seems odd to me. Also, try a cleaner font for your text, and move it closer to the focal.

    Well it has very little depth, and there are lighter lines around the darker spots, but I really like it. Seems good to me. However, on a final note, seems a little over contrasted, or to dark.

    kk, Well, I don't like the way the border is affected by the sig, that always annoys me. Hmmm....The bubbles don't really fit, they should be lower opacity. Also, the render just seems to be sitting there, try blending it in more.
  3. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Posted half hour ago,got nothing, just tried the brush you gave me, dont mind the text, i just placed ti there to show its a test.

    cnc me hard
    no ****... well your female but still, that wasnt supposed to be sexual.

  4. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    Holy ****... My universe was just rocked. And what is that about wanting to be CnC'd hard? I think that had some sexual undertones...

    Edit: And I believe the term you are looking for is you're as in you are... Not your as in it is yours.
  5. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    i beleive the term that discribes you is GRAMMAR ****
  6. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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    Go back to the dl page of the brush and set it to the settings he has.
  7. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    i delete the thing you sent me, whats the link again?
  8. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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  9. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    yea i posted this on the fourms and only got one very breif CnC this is definatly the place to post ur newest creations because people just dont reply anymore. but anyways this is my newest creation i would like to see what you think
  10. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
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    Haha, thanks for coming to us.

    Overall this signature is a good effort I would give it a 5.8/10, yes my rating scale is harsh, but I will help you out more.

    K, the effects are pretty good, your text really ruins the flow because its on a diagonal, thats what you want to try and avoid, signatures with diagonal text usually don't turn out as good because the flow can really be ruined there, so avoid that if you can.
    There is no main light source, where I would suggest you to put it just beside the left of Link, the main focal seems a little dark as well, even where the lighter spots are.
    You might want to put some more effects on the right side of Link because it helps with taking up space and adding more interest.

    Basically I could say, I hope you try another version.
  11. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    I used GIMP.

    I would prefer Ice because Hell has already CnC'ed me, but anyone is fine.
  12. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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    Well the effects on the balloon are nice, but the rest is bland and not really changed a whole lot. The text should also be loser to the focal.
  13. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    Well, I'm working on the new site skin, and this is what I have finished so far:
    What do you think? (I would like both Hells and Ice to CnC if possible, because I need as much input as possible). As soon as I saw the Update, I knew that I wanted to do a Sandbox themed skin, and even though the sample one was good (and will probably win), I wanted to give it a shot anyway...
  14. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
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    Nice work, my personal opinion on this is to just change the font on the Home, Forums, Rules and Foundry Designer, and the FORGE HUB text.
  15. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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    Agreed completely...Although just bringing up another part here. Whats with the column? Does it end somewhere? If so where? Also, will the skin have a repeating background, this makes it easier for different screen sizes to view the site. Having a picture means that it can't be or that it will repeat the picture over and over, however if you don't have a repeating bg it would be completely different. Lionheart suggested having a simple theme and a repeating bg, I think this pulls that off, while still have a slightly professional and interesting look about it.
  16. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Preferably ice , because she smudges . Be harsh please and thank-you .
  17. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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    To much smudging on the head, and the body, also try the circle technique I told you about for bg, and the brush for everything else, the circles give a textured look the the bg and don't make it as bland as your smudging here is. also, the smudging on the farther out gun is pretty good, but his left elbow(my left) looks odd. Your getting better at it tho.

    EDIT: I forgot to make my point about the to much smudging on the head and body. Don't smudge so much in the middle, more around the edges.
  18. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Thanks, im gunna try alot more, and i dont fully remember what you meen by the circle tecnique, do the same but with the circle brush??
  19. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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    take a circle brush(I use 11) and turn the jitter to 2 then smudge slightly up and out from your focals edges, all over the bg, then take the same brush turn off the jitter, and the rate down, and go back over the area you smudged with the jitter on.
  20. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    The column ends like right below where I cropped the image, I just cut it there because I hadn't finished that part yet and I only wanted to show the finished stuff. All of the columns use a repeating texture for everything, so it can stretch. I am working on a way to make the sides stretch too, but I can't figure out how I want it to work yet... Its really hard to make a repeating pattern look good, it took me like 20 minutes to get the rock texture to repeat properly.

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