I'm going to France and I want to get a water park in somewhere too. Also, my birthday's this summer! So I'll be taking driving lessons! W00t!
I love six flags, but the nearest on was in Houston, but they sold it. I think there was one in New Orleans (Which would be the nearest place), but Katrina put an end that. So I would have to go to Dallas and I don't see that happening. Oh, yea. I forgot. I probably get my permit in July.
Well my first intension is to get rid of some of this fat,but also play xbox,in a balance. Then,seeing as my brothers favorite to do is fish,then I'll probably spend alot of time fishing. Last but not least,I'm hoping to go pick up a girl in my class and go to splash country/dollywood.
My plans for the summer are to: Work Go Camping Go Boating Water Ski Wake Board Hang out with Friends Maybe hike Mt. Olympus (yes, it's a real mountain in Utah) Do Stuff EDIT: I LOVE Six Flags and I only went there once while I was in Cali.. The nearest one to Utah is in Denver, Colorado. The only thing we got here is a place called Lagoon and basically it's a kid version of Six Flags.
Fishing im gonna be doing alot of fishing this summer and ill be going down to south carolina and fish there to.
Summer school. Gotta make up that english class. Question: can you get consequences in summer school? Like, if I ditched the second half of the day?
Well i'm going to quebec for three weeks and then i'm pretty much sitting around and hanging out with friends
Well I was planning on it. I ditched one class today so I booked myself for L.O.P(loss of privileges) for next year. Might as well. Over 3 hours. And they shortened it down to monday-thursday for summer school here.
I agree if you are in the right area. Florida beaches are nice. I have been to Ft. Lauderdale and I liked it less than beaches on the Gulf, except for Mexico. Mexico beaches suck.
Note that I live in Guam, USA. -Heading out to Philippines for a family grand re-union, probably for a week or two. -After that, heading out to Ottawa for a week or two to visit my auntie, uncle, and cousins. -Maybe fly down to the states (New York, New Jersey, California, New Mexico, Nevada) -Pretty much gaming after that.
I'm going over to Spain and stay over at my Aunts there who has a beach house right by the Mediterranean. I might take a pit-stop in Belgium or Germany soon a week or so after that. I'm pretty excited about his; Europe's my favorite place in the world, especially southern Spain.