Sandbox Banshee Bundle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Prodigious 7k, May 26, 2009.

  1. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    Banshee Bundle (Banshee Racing!)

    Banshee Bundle

    Made by Prodigious 7k.

    Banshee Bundle is a very fun race map for banshees on the ground floor of sandbox. I had the idea when looking at Airshow by anus lad. He gave me permission to use the idea to make a map of the same style as his, so i did and here it is. I wanted to make this because his track (if you can call it that) was not structured at all, and all the scenery made crashing common so the play was very stop start. Also because it was in the skybubble you would find yourself dying for no reason while flying (because of the floor of the skybubble), this made gameplay very difficult.

    My map is different because:

    • It is on the floor level with the guardians OFF so you cannot randomly die.
    • It follows a structured path which is fun.
    • It has very little scenery, although you could say i did not do much to the map, the map works better this way and gameplay is what counts.
    • All the points are the same and there are no annoying obsticles which hindered you more than helping gameplay in anus lad's version.
    Skipping sections of the track is not cheating, it is intended so people behind can quickly get back into the game, making it fun for everyone, as opposed to mongoose racetracks where if you fall off, thats it for you unless someone else falls off.

    As with all racetrack maps everyone needs to be on separate teams. The maximum number of players is 4 because of the number of banshees available. Sorry.

    Details for the Gametype:

    Here are the more important settings for the gametype.

    • Score to win: 50 (4.5 laps uncontested) (my best time on my own is 2:13)
    • Goal movement: Move on arrival.
    • Goal movement order: Sequence.
    • Damage resistance: Invulnerable
    • Scoring: Goal arrival points: 1.
    • Vehicle use: Full use.
    • Number of rounds: 1.
    • Time limit: No limit.

    This map is intended as a first version and if it goes down well i will experement with more complex designs.

    Here is an overview of the map:

    Here are the spawns:

    And here are some random shots of gameplay:


    Thanks for reading, i hope you download this map, the links are below. Please comment, i want as much feedback as possible because i want to know if i should experiment with a version 2.

    My gamertag is
    Prodigious 7k if you want to contact me or add me as a friend. I will also help anyone test maps if they want to just give me a shout.

    click here for the sequel
    #1 Prodigious 7k, May 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  2. II cyanide II

    II cyanide II Ancient
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    Wow i love the origionality although simple a very good idea and
    i'm sure this will catch on greatly with the community! Good job getting it out there.
  3. gotrek222

    gotrek222 Ancient
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    ive played the other guys version ( sorry but its pretty shocking )

    but i love this version its alot more structured and as a consequence alot more fun

    overall a good map
  4. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Wow I'm definitely going to make a map like this (if that's okay). Of course I'm going to make it my own like I always do with remakes.

    Beautiful originality, but could have had more aesthetics to support it, because it honestly seems very plain right now.
  5. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    Thats fine if you make a remake. I didnt make any asthetics because this is just a concept and i wanted to know if it was worth making amore asthetic and challenging version.
  6. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    I like the concept, it's nice and simple. Another good thing is that you could easily cut corners if you're in the back, so races stay spectacular to the end.

    And one last tip: you can interlock arches to make perfect cirkles. Maybe you could use those for checkpoints too.
  7. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    As ive already stated this isnt meant to be asthetic or good looking, just as an experement to see if its good enough to make a more complex and more asthetic version, Not as a finished map.
  8. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    Very original idea, and the sideways forging for each of the pillars is great.


    This can turn very ugly. If someone is about to win, and somebody else can screw that person over by respawning and then since they are closer to the goal than the other person, they could score.
  9. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    You never respawn as you can only die from assassinations and your in banshees. However you can cut corners which could in very rare cases steal a win but most of the time this makes the gameplay better than mongoose tracks because you can always get with the people at the front instead of being stuck at the back.
  10. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    Wow really original
    I really like how you have used banshees instead of mongooses
    It looks really awesome
    good thing the guardians aren't on
  11. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Great new race map idea!! I'm really pleased with the premise here, it's pretty new as far as I can tell. I like that you visited a map by another person and were inspired to take the idea to another level. It's very well put together and makes for a perfectly serviceable racetrack.

    At the same time, I see much potential for some new map ideas (I'm not saying that your map needs improvement.) Some of the more creative maps have been recreations of classic games from the NES/SNES erea. Most race tracks call to mind Mario Cart. Duck Hunt has been a huge success. There have been others, of course. As I was flying through your map in a sinlgle-player run-through, I got the distinct impression that I was playing Pilot Wings (SNES classic). What if one (I don't know who) were to take this type of flight map and make a single-player challenge course? With the right combination of precision and imagination, I can see something very interesting taking shape.

    Regardless of all that, this is a great map, I'm glad to see a new type of racetrack pulled off so well.
  12. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. If you liked this map idea, i am currently about half way through making a new, more balanced and more complex version with more asthetic design. if you, or anyone else wants to help test the map when it is nearly finished, it should be soon ish, just send me a message on here or XBL.
  13. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    As i have said, i am currently half way through making a new map, not a v2 but another banshee track in the same style. it will be longer, funner and have more turns.
  14. Geoff Portnoy

    Geoff Portnoy Ancient
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    What have you done! This is the halo equivalent to superman 64!!!!!!!
  15. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    It's original and all, but with the VIP goto spots, isn't the gameplay flawed? With Banshees there's no restriction to go forward. And if you're in last place, you can cut the course so you can get to a future objective. Is that how it's supposed to work out?
  16. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    1. That's intentional, it gives everyone a chance.
    2. Please comment on Banshee Tango, it is the newer map of this style i made.
  17. MLG

    MLG Ancient
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    Wow this is very original, great job, I never would have thought of this, lol.

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