
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by fedraltag, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. fedraltag

    fedraltag Ancient
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    Created by Federaltag
    Supported Gametypes:
    Map Description
    This map was made back in December before I knew the Interlocking or Inf. Money Glitch. This map runs pretty smooth even without it. The attackers spawn in jail and have to get out by traveling through the vents. The prison is in turmoil and the Gaurds have to keep everyone from escaping, simply by killing. There is a sniper post. Easily accessible by both teams. There are machine gun defense systems set up outside of prison. Only people skilled with these should try them because there are quite a few crates for cover. There is a police garage with 2 ghost and 2 mongi. These two are balanced out by the crates on field.
    View of outside prison
    Jail Cells
    Beginning Vents
    End of Vents
    Snipers Post
    Escaper down
    this map was made long before my map Interveen( yes, i purposely spelled it wrong) which use interlocking
  2. XarabianNinjaX

    XarabianNinjaX Ancient
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    wow, it looks really good. you must've spent alot of time on it. cant wait to DL
  3. whitelime

    whitelime Ancient
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    alright first thing comes first. you said that you did this before interlocking, then why not go back and interlock i mean if it's important enough to post than it should be important enough to take the time to interlock.

    i think that the vent is preety cool looking and i like the idea of a prison could be used for Vip aswell like escort the gang leader out of the prison and to the car or something. I am not a big fan of the whole armories thing you could place the weapons around the map to make it play a bit more even.
  4. XarabianNinjaX

    XarabianNinjaX Ancient
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    wow, thats a nice armory. What do you got there? 3 weapons? wow is the other team in for a treat
  5. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    looks cool, i personally could care less about interlocking, sure it looks good but i dnt think it GREATLY affects a map... as for an armory... i absolutely hate them... they ruin gameplay. It unbalances sides (especially on a map like this where its already somewhat unbalanced) but i c there isnt much in urs, guess the other inmates got there quicker lol, so i guess ill check it out, the idea looks cool and a prizon escape hasnt really been done too much
  6. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    An Armory, that all ready sets me on edge. It usually means you were to lazy to put guns on the map. Also why not interlock some stuff then release it.
  7. fedraltag

    fedraltag Ancient
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    For all you who say I should have interlocked well then thanks for the feedback and I will. But right now Im busy working on a bank heist on foundry and It's taking a long time because I try doing things never done or seen before. I trying to come out with this map to get my name spread. i work hard on my maps and Ideas are hard to come up with knowing that there are millions of others trying to make maps. But honestly i do enjoy your feedback which makes me want to work harder!!
  8. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    well i agree w/ u there... ideas r sometimes hard.... i just spent a few days making a sandtrap map tht im thinkin of putting on my guilders resignation tht took me 4ever to think of... im not gonna give it away to be surpriseful but its a bases map made of all the items in sandtrap, which isnt easy seeing as there r no immovable objects on sandtrap, anyway, i totally agree w/ u

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