ONSET 1V1 Forge Gametype Onset, designed by Nicka and forged by Phuria. This is probably the last design I'm going to be making of someone else's , thank you to Nicka for letting me forge this design. This map is for 1v1/2v2s, it incorporates 3 lifts, four floors, an arch and a walkway. Weapons: Camo-60 second respawn/not spawn at start Custom-45 second respawn/not spawn at start 4 stickys-30 second respawn 4 frags-30 second respawn 5 BRs-0 spare clips/30 second respawn 2 Carbines-0 spareclips/30 second respawn Plasma Pistol-60 second drop spawn Sniper-45 second drop spawn Time for PICS Overview Red starting spawn Blue starting spawn Sniper spawn Custom Spawn Above Custom Custom lift in courtyard Camo spawn/Basement Basement lift Blue room/basement lift exit Stairs leading to blue room Red lift Red side Courtyard Happy Face ENJOY! AND PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK! Reserve for updaates
Wow. This map looks amazing. I really love all the high awnings and the buildings, and I really like how you've made the floor really smoothly to disguise the fact there are underground sections. This map really shows how much effort you've put in, and that it came out great. Sweet job dude, I'm giving this a 8/10. However, you may want to fix the links. B-Net can't find the map. EDIT: The links work now. Goo' Job.
Wow. Finnally, a nice, simple map. Most of the maps you see are complex hallways and paths and all that. This map looks like basic, smooth, amazing gameplay at its best. It looks like a Guardian version of the Pit. Ya know? The kinda thing i would expect to see in matchmaking. If only it were bigger :[
This map is beautiful, the grass is perfect! I love the windows on blue base ill get back to you later after i have played it
wow this is really nicely built, really aesthetically visual. Love this work, where did you get your ideas from please pm.
I can't wait to play some 1v1's on this. I have to say that the design and forging are perfect. The Banshees were nice touch...First time I've seen them used like that in a map.
Thanks everyone for the comments! @Nicka No problem man. I couldn't see this map not be made. @Everyone Version 2 will be cleaner and a couple other revisions.
Nicely done. I get a "simple but smooth" feeling looking at this map. Looks like this would provide some fun gameplay for 2v2's. I'm planning on dling when I clear some space.