Sandbox The Walled City

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by heavenlyyeti, May 25, 2009.

  1. heavenlyyeti

    heavenlyyeti Ancient
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    June 18, 2605

    Dear Emma,
    We've finally arrived in the city. Our helicopter dropped us off about two hours ago. It's very quiet here, and not very pleasant, but it's safe. Nellie loves it here, however. Myself, I just wish that we didn't have to resort to these sort of measures. I've included pictures in this envelope, along with my commentary on them listed below. I'm sorry for their small size, as well (our old camera was lost in the confusion at the airport). I hope you find something to like about them. I didn't.

    It was nighttime when I took this picture. We were flying in to the city. It's walled-in, with no entrances or exits. The infected people walk around in both the light and the dark areas surrounding it, begging to be let in. But we obviously can't do that. It's heartbreaking, but if only one gets in, the disease will spread.

    When we landed, a police officer greeted us and led us down the street towards the Main Building. As we walked, I noticed the large antennae positioned all over the City. Later on, a kind woman told me that this was used by the police to stay in contact with the other walled cities in the world. There are three hundred and six of them exactly like this one, I'm told.

    This is the first floor of the Main Building. You see, the Main Building (due to limited space) tries to fit most of the City in one tall skyscraper. This ground floor is basically what amounts to a common room, where everyone meets and sleeps. It's also used as a ballroom every once in a while. We don't have suits or dresses, but we can still dance.

    This is the second floor, where people can buy and sell various things they find. Of course, it doesn't get much use. People like to kick the ball around, though. They sometimes take it out to the streets and play soccer. We're playing with them next Monday!

    One the third floor is the tavern. This is by far the most popular level of the building, as you can imagine.

    And finally, on the fourth floor, is the police station. We weren't allowed up there, but they graciously gave us a professional picture to include in this letter for you. They keep a small cache of ammunition up there, and there are wooden walkways leaving the room that act as guardian perches. They act as a secondary security measure for us.

    We are settled in well enough, now, but I don't like it here. We're confined in this vertical prison, fearful of the dreaded sickness outside. Someone actually went mad and jumped over the walls, running into the dark, and it is presumed that she, too, is now infected. This place is driving everyone crazy.
    What's worse, though, besides the moaning and sadness hitting our walls every day, are the rumours people are spreading. They're saying that a foul smell comes wafting up from the sewers at night, like in those old Sweeney Todd spook stories. I suppose that they just want to cause a scare, to keep from going mad themselves. Oh well, it's living, I suppose.

    Tom Turner

    MAP: : Halo 3 File Details

    GAMETYPE: : Halo 3 File Details
  2. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    well it does look cool, but hows the game? does it work? what do the zombies do? where do they spawn? you get the idea... the letter thing was a cool idea but it didnt explain alot. is there a hole in the floor (aka the crypt) the map looks cool but i dont get it 100%. ill still try it because of the awesome story you made.
  3. heavenlyyeti

    heavenlyyeti Ancient
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    Humans inside the walls go about their lives. Bartender, citizen, shopkeeper, police officer, etc. So it's like those RP Life gametypes, but with the added paranoia of monsters just outside that want to kill you.
    Zombies are meant to be kept from getting in, but there are ways. Seven ways in, to be honest. But they're well-hidden. Because it shouldn't be an easy thing to do. Hint: the old abandoned sewers are a great place to start.
    Naturally, though, zombies will get bored, so there're vehicles, golf balls, ramps, etc. outside the city that they can have fun with until they get in and start their bloody massacre.

    "Blood ran freely through the windows, down the buildings, through cracks in the streets like water, washing down into the dark and dank sewers below."
  4. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    HOLY CRAP i love RP games! along with somerandmhobo and friends i will definatly try this game! and again the story is great and i cant wait for somehting ealse from you.

    (edit-ASKAR 4 THE WIN)
  5. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    From what I can see the map looks pretty sweet.
    I cant really + it anymore, the screen shots arent big enough.
    When you saved the shots, did you click the screen shot twice to enlarge it before saving?
    Anywho, good job.
  6. Xtremegamer1996

    Xtremegamer1996 Ancient
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    So pretty much you play life while zombiess try to get in?

    Well if this is true, how does the game change when they get in?
  7. Phoenix of Wei

    Phoenix of Wei Ancient
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    This is great, an RPG with a constant menace! :D
  8. heavenlyyeti

    heavenlyyeti Ancient
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    Yes, you play Life while monsters are on your doorstep.

    The whole place just goes to hell when the zombies get in. ;)
  9. Xtremegamer1996

    Xtremegamer1996 Ancient
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    Thanks for your reply, but I mean what do the citizens do? I mean, does the police force eliminate them since only they have access to weapons? What do the rest of the people do? Hide? Fight? What do they do when the zombies actually get in? I like the game I just want to know what does everybody do when they come in? Like does there roll change?
  10. heavenlyyeti

    heavenlyyeti Ancient
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    People just... hang out, like in regular RP games. But yeah, if zombies get in, everyone hits the panic button, and tries to survive, like in regular Infection games.

    Also, I should mention that if you die by friendly fire or suicide, you'll still be human, but you WILL spawn outside at the city gates, zombiebait. So yeah, you die in the city, you're as good as gone. I thought it was cool. :)
  11. Xtremegamer1996

    Xtremegamer1996 Ancient
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    Thanks for the reply. I just looked at the map, and it looks really sloppy. Are you not good at forging or?
  12. heavenlyyeti

    heavenlyyeti Ancient
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    Now let's think about this. If the walls and buildings were perfectly straight and vertical, it wouldn't really be fair for the zombies trying to get in, would it? Also, the jaggedness of the whole city was deliberately designed in a special pattern so as to make the player living inside feel a bit nauseated, and it adds more dynamics to the environment.

    Also it makes it real spooky and stuff.

    Silly! :p
    #12 heavenlyyeti, May 26, 2009
    Last edited: May 26, 2009
  13. Xtremegamer1996

    Xtremegamer1996 Ancient
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    Ok...I just thought the building was really sloppy.
  14. Speckled Walrus

    Speckled Walrus Ancient
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    What weapons do the humans have?
  15. heavenlyyeti

    heavenlyyeti Ancient
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    Magnums. But that isn't the point. Read the original post again, and you will see that weapons shouldn't be in focus... at all.
  16. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    aight so:
    the idea is pretty interesting, chill in a cramped house until zombies come. Id honestly suggest making some way for the HUMANS to get out in case they die of bordom, not by being infected. It seems like it would play like cops and robbersish where the zombies are cops and are trying to get in and kill the humans
    this map would be 1000000000000000 times better if you actually let the humans go out in the city and have the zombies try to get in the city (just make it so the humans cant look out of the gates so the zombies dont get killed) id also suggest making some protection for the humans. i know theres ammo and stuff but at least make it so they can get to other places... so that people dont get bored. that would be the one thing that id say lowers this map from a 5 to a 4.

    id love to see a v2 or a different map thats an actual city and the zombs try to find the ways in.
  17. slipknot83

    slipknot83 Ancient
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    Dude, its a good idea, but you made it so boring and horrible for the zombies, and the humans. You didn't pull it off. You should of made everything alot more detailed and make it so humans cant get out of the city. There is also nothing for the humans to do. Its just a big, horribly built tower. Make it so the people can't see outside the city so it builds up tention until the zombie comes in. Make it a city not a huge building.Also, put weapons inside too. Just some help don't take this personally. Oh, I did play this with a bunch of my friends just so you get angry and say I never played it.

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