Hey, I was wondering if this is actually a glitch, or theres something wrong I did. On sandbox, I was arranging blocks in a circle. Then i interlocked tall blocks into the large blocks to make the circle more smooth. Later I decided to change the circle, so I removed one of the tall blocks. Then, I realized that the large block it was attached to was unselectable. Help, anyone?
you cant select interlocked items when you start a new game (or at least i cant) start a new round and see if that helps
Right, if its set not to start a new round and it is the first round, it may not be selectable. If you placed that object manually, you should be fine. If you used one from an OLN canvas and it was an original item, you may be in bigger problems.
Whats A Scope was on the right track here. If you use a canvas that saved all the original items, and use one of those items, then set it to not respawn for 60 secs, and start a new round. The original item will still be there at the start of the new round, but you can not select it. then after the 60 secs you set for the respawn the block will flash and then it is back to normal. For this reason i do not use any of the blocks from the original map because if you want to merge them you get this problem. I have found that if you use all the respawn points from the original map you will run out of money before you hit the item limit. So unless you are budget glitching, there is no reason to use blocks and stuff from the original item set.
i dont believe I used a block from the original canvas...I have an empty canvas I use for all my maps at the start.
well then the only other thing i can think of is that you might have raised the map minimum for that block and maybe that has the same effect?
If you set the maximum higher than those on map and delete an object sometimes identical objects will spawn in the exact same spot. But if this was the problem the objects would have started floating around your map when you grabbed one so this probably isnt the right glitch but sounds close to it.
update: the glitch has been fixed. I just have to start a new round! Thanks to everyone who tried helping!