Story::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Based off the movie i am legend staring will smith. i have built a new building on sandbox dedicated to infection based games just like the movie. instead of the whole hide in the basement thing i fixed that with a timmer that will create a whole allowing zombie to get at the little campers. the map features 4 floors and several wepons and key features seen in the movie. such as the explosion at the scene where they assult the building and the whole in the cealing made by one of the creatures. Weapons::::::::::::::::::::::::::: BR X1 AS X2 PISTOL X2 SMG X2 GRENADE X1 TURRET X1 SNIPER X1 Vehicles::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: WARTHOG X3 MAP::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : Halo 3 File Details Gametype::::::::::::::::::::::::::: <<<<Fixed the problem gametype works now>>>> PICTURES::::::::::::::::::::::::::: STREET FRONT LEFT SIDE BACK RIGHT SIDE ENTRANCE 1 ENTRANCE 2 ENTRANCE 3 FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR BASEMENT SREET AFTER 120 SECONDS FIRST FLOOR AFTER 120 SECONDS BASEMENT AFTER 150 SECONDS ACTION SHOTS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Last comments::::::::::: enjoy the map would like to have some reflections on it if you could do that. Forgers live on!!!!!!!!!!!!
i did like the map, i saw old foundry maps and played them and i didnt like them but i do like this one but the map would be better with a little more clean up with the roof and some of the walls. 4.5/5
I must say, better looking than the crappy Foundry variant I have seen before. As a replacement for the classic house defense infection map this could do quite well. You seem to have put some time into making sure there are numerous entrances for infected players, as well as forging some very smooth walls and floors. I don't quite understand the change in the bottom floor after the first 120 seconds, and I find the explosion outside superfluous. Although it does mimic the film, the first object of a map is to play well, then to follow any cannon. I can't say how this explosion factors into gameplay, but I would assume it would just result in a pointless death for a few already zombies and a severe lag spike. To truly make your map stand out, I believe you need to add an aesthetic quality to it. As is, it looks like a large block with windows, not like a New York townhouse. Gameplay most come first, but if you have any funds left, I would suggest making some pretty details.
well first off i don't have any money left but if i did i would put more detail but you know gotta work with what you have. second the basment changes in the way off the coal shoot closing but as i stated there is a back entrance to that that can let zombies into the shoot or humans out onto the sandbox level itself i would also like to take this time to state the humans cannot operate vehicles thats so no one will drive around ruining the feel of the map. i hope i cleared some things up.
If you do make a remake(not saying it needs one) I would definately do it in the crypt. A) because it is less places to go around and B) because you can use the walls from the crypt for your walls in the house and then make it closed in so the problem A) is totally out of the question. Some things I would do is, I know you have 3 ways in, but I would still add one or 2 more. 3 ways in to a 3/4 story house is really not that many... Somethings you can do is put pallets on the windows(to kinda make it like in the movie except it is actually easy to open) and I would put like a little edge outside kinda like there are the flower beds right outside a window, the reason for that is to make it easier to enter. My final verdict is 4/5 for how clean it is but how few entrances there are. I would definatly do 5/5 if you fix up and add the things I stated above.
bettergametype? the map is very difficult to get into when playing it for the first time, so difficult that we had to change the gametype. i reccomend that before playing you change the zombies gravity to slightly less than average. overall the map is very good and has a very similar gameplay to the old foundry version.
im sorry for the inconvienince but the gametype has been changed after i posted it the gametype had glitched and changed the gravity is suppose to be low for zombies i will post that version tonight. will replace older version makes game easier. It is now FIXED have fun sorry that the fileshare failed now its right.
this map has a great look reminds my alot of the first one on foundry. the new one really follows the old map. the entrances are great and the map is easy to have fun on.
i appreciate your guy's input i took a lot of time in makeing this. right now that map will stay above ground soon i will make a new one with it below ground. and im working on S-O-S stranded 5.
interesting because of it being based off of a movie. Good job. Make the Entrance #2 look smoother. Maybe you could use a half wall. The shield door is suppose to help Will Smith, make something that helps in the humans protection. Maybe make the zombies have to crawl to get through. Also, I'm not sure if you have this or not but I thing Will Smith had a specific place where he store his guns. Make something like that if you haven't already. You should also make some kind of hole with a door behind the glass like in the movie. But overall good map. 9/10.
does it haz shrek? this is an awesome map, i love the film. one thing you forgot though was the little hidey hole in the basement behind the glass door that the woman survivor and max hide in overnight after Dr. Neville blows himself up at the end of it to save them. other than that very good. HE WUZ SAVIN THAT BACON GODDAMNITT!!!
the hidey hole is there look at the basement u can see then look at the second picture of the basement its closed get it!!!!!!!!!!