So, due to my recent addiction to Fallout 3, i downloaded operation anchorage. Which is a DLC, but i cant get it started. :sadfaic: I know your supposed to recieve a radio signal with BoS outcasts transmitting an urgent message. So i've DL'd it but still no luck. Anything in peticular im supposed to do? Beat the game, get to a certain point in the game? All help is appreciated.
I'm not sure, some of my characters got it right out of the vault. Try reseting your 360, redownloading the dlc, or wait for a bit. Does it say loading extra content when ever you start up Fallout 3?
1) Do what Willmatic said 2) If you didnt download the file all the way (or let it) you need to redownload it, then for one too go to the main screen, go to dlc button, and see if its installed. Btw the transmission will take i think 5 mins to alert you in the game.