I disagree, I Believe the death penalty should be allowed. I mean look, we already have our prisons overcrowding with inmates, it would just add to the problem. And if the person committed murder(example), However they killed that person should be killed the same way, so they know the same pain the other innocent person did before they died.
Yes, it should be allowed. I heard that the US prison/corrections system is overcrowded with convicts that have sentences from 20 years to life for murder or another serious crime, and they should be dealt with accordingly. However, I think the death penalty should be used for the most serious of crimes. Also, it may vary with judges if they want to sentence them to death or not...
We do deal with crime rather severely in the Lone Star state. If the death penalty was increased crime would go down for fear of death.
I'd say yes. I'm sure we use enough money for people with lifetime sentences, and taking care of them is sometimes not an easy handle. Also like Grif said, crimes may go down due to fear of the death penalty. There's also another part of me that says "Let them go freee" but I'm like "nah."
From 1977 to 1999 - 553 people were executed in america. During the same time 80 people on death row were found to be innocent and exonerated. That makes 1 innocent person for every 7 people put to death in america, that we know of. How many innocent people have been put to death under our current system. Dont get me wrong, i am actually pro death penalty, but i think the judge should only hand down that sentence if there is no doubt what so ever that the person is guilty, such as if there is video evidence or dna etc.
Anti-Death Penelty Okay, I belive that we shouldn't have the death penelty. Who allowed us to play god (not saying there is anyone particular god, but thats a debate for another time), and shouldn't everyone be allowed the chance to reform and give back to society? I belive there is some good in everyone, and we should always encourage the chance to allow that out. Also: ... umm... this seems a little flawed logic, what good is it for them to experience the pain when they will soon be dead anyway?
When he allowed us to commit such acts against each other ,acts so disturbing that he even shivers when he looks at all the innocent blood soaking in the ground. Executing a convicted murderer with overwhelming evidence supporting the fact of the persons crime should be enough to end their life. Also if no remorse is shown such in the case of BTK or Mansion or Zodiac or jack the ripper or any other criminal including war criminals should have no pitty when it comes to extinguishing those induviduals who have claimed many lives.
I kinda used to feel the same way. What I later realized is why should we give these people a chance to reform, when many of them have taken the lives of innocents, who had entire lives ahead of them?
Our prisons are overcrowdded, killers could pottentialy escape, a killer didnt give oters a chance why should we give them a chance, eye for an eye, takes money to feed prisoners, and if youre woried about the morrality of it would you rather spend the rest of your life in a prison or just have it end.
I don't want killers living off my tax dollar and raising the national debt. Kill the worst ones but only on life sentences that aren't stealing.