Reckoner Created By: Ironsiide Gametypes: King, Flag, Bomb, Slayer Welcome to Reckoner, based in the skybubble it is designed for team based games. It has two levels each for it's own advantages for control. It is symmetrical and balanced. I've had an idea like this for awhile so last week i started forging. Sword Basement Overview EDIT: OV and Invis now have railings. Top Mid Weapon Load out 4 BRs 2 Carbines 2 Needlers 2 sets of spikers 2 plasma pistols 1 Rocket Launcher (150 secs) 1 Sword (180 secs) 2 Maulers (60 secs) 2 Brute shots (90 secs) 8 Frags 8 Plasma grenades As for equipment: 2 grav lifts 1 power drain 1 regen 1 Overshield (90 secs) 1 Camo (90 secs) Everything is default unless specified After a lot of work and some frustration (epic lack of autosave) I give you Reckoner, I hope you enjoy it in all its forgy skybubbly goodness. I'll post more screens when I can get people to test. Any constructive criticism is appreciated. Link to : Halo 3 File Details
Nice mate, very. Some of the interlocking you used, I really never thought about using it in those ways. And where the double boxes are, I would put wedge longs, and wedge shorts for railing.
Aesthetically very pleasing, tunnels look nice I would be willing to test it if u need GAmer tag is SmellmyD one question did u hit the item limit it would be nice to have some rails on the bottom, unless that's what u were going for
How do you get to the rocket? Anyway the map is a nice size and the weapon placement draws no concern. I agree with MR P1B you should make rails so it's not easy to fall off. Overall 3/5 good job.
Ahh I see, well how many spawn points did you use? Usally I catch my self spamming the darn things, and eventually moveing them around and able to delete some to put more items into the game.
im considering deleting some starting points as im under the assumption you only need one per team right?
Yeah, usally 1 per team will work. Just make sure you have the spawn point area thing near each base, and is for each base. So at the attackers you'll need the spawn area item for attacks, and then choose the radius for it. So on that one team, the closer some of the spawn points are to the starter, is where the majority of the team will spawn. It's harder to make spawn point areas then anything, you got to use just enough, and put them in the right spots, just so no one can really get spawn killed. But yeah, thats pretty much another easier way for it to work.
One part of this map that draws concern is the weapon placement.....or lack there of. Is there weapons on other parts of the map, or did you hit the item limit before being able to place weapons? As for the map it self, It looks very cleanly forged, and I especially like the middle "tall wall". I would never have thought of that myself very well done. 6/7, Delete a few things and add some weapons, and It will earn a 7
Weapon load out added to main post Also there are now railings on the OV and Invis areas. I'm also thinking of putting railings on the OUTSIDE of the pathways on the bottom level. Thoughts?
Just copy&paste the weapon list to the main post. Just click edit at the bottom left corner of the first post. And personally I would leave it rail-ess at the sword area. 1. To save items. 2. To make it worth trying to get the sword.
yeah i agree with the no railings at sword plan railings make it easier to nade a person with the sword, the map is about controlling levels, a team with the sword more easily controls the bottom, just like a team with rockets controls the top
: ) Ahh ok, I see exactley what you mean. Sounds really neat too. Feel free to Pm me if you need anymore suggestions or what not.
thanks mate, ill be making a V2 in a week or so... this has some breaks and i wanna clean up the path to the rockets... if anyone has suggestions or criticism ill gladly take in into consideration