
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by fedraltag, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. fedraltag

    fedraltag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by Federaltag
    Supported Gametypes:
    Infection, One flag CTF
    Map Description
    I made an nice entrance with doors that need to be blown down by the Gauss that is stuck in place on the opposite side. Before attempting to blow down doors you have to use crates as cover to get close enough to doors to destroy the grav. lift(keeps doors from being pushed inward). The zombies spawn inside escape pods that have landed from an infected ship. Inside pods is a choice of a needler or a energy sword. Zombs must be careful of rockets overhead and the deadly sniper. They can use the crates as cover. There are narrow passage ways inside base where " Their numbers mean nothing." This is a map primarily based on Infection and one side CTF. I put in about 9-10 hours of work.
    Front of base
    While in sniper tower stand on portal and fire at fusion coil to teleport to this location
    Teleporter to Sniper tower
    A Hallway inside base
    View from Sniper Tower
    Coward shot rocket then ducked behind cover
    Behind Rocket bay
    Please leave comments about this map and you can rate it. This is my first map so info would be nice.
    Download Interveen
    Download Toxicated
  2. N1SS3 200

    N1SS3 200 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it's looks like a good map so i'm gonna DL it later .
  3. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    looks like a nice map, but the one pic with two rocket launchers and two BR's worried me. What is there to keep people from camping up there with the rockets?

    Otherwise, looks like a nice map
  4. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    this map should only work for infection, because the map is too much of a fortress to be searched through for the flag. At first the map looked very unbalanced with the rooms with snipers and fuelrods, but then I realized that it would make a very replayable map with things like the fusion coil you can shoot to go to another tower. You did a good job interlocking and everything is nicely placed. Im glad you took the "pretty cool" part out of your title, and just to let you know, its spelled intervene. I'm going to download this, because it looks quite fun, and has more depth than most infection maps.
  5. fedraltag

    fedraltag Ancient
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    I am sorry for leaving this out by behind the rocket bay there is a blank wall. If you walk at the wall you will be teleported downstairs near the main entrance. This is so that if the strong zomb make it through and you are upstairs you can get down there faster. Most likely if you let the zombs through then there is a good chance that they will kill you unless you stay as a team
  6. fedraltag

    fedraltag Ancient
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    Even though there are 2 rockets, people can not just sit up there because there are carbine's behind boxes ( Zombs take and deal out more damage). If you do not hit a zomb directly with a rocket chances are they will survive.
  7. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Don't double post, just edit your last post.
  8. XarabianNinjaX

    XarabianNinjaX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    is it me, or are the powerups in pics 1&6 WHITE?
  9. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    This looks quite interesting. There is some very nice interlocking and it looks like you've done some things I haven't seen done before with interlocking. I just wish you hadn't had some of those screens taken from forge, people don't generally like to see respawn points. Otherwise I like this and have qued the map and gametype.
  10. fedraltag

    fedraltag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah there WHITE. Actually If you Get Close it Looks like Neon
    Combine Active Camo, Then Overshields, then a Custom
  11. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    how??? either way, looks great... great interlocking and all, i just also DLed ur other map, Prizon, which lookd great... keep up the good wrk :]

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