Legend Mansion

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by iTz Fuzzywig, May 25, 2009.

  1. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    Legend Mansion

    Legend mansion is most likely the most difficult map I have ever made, there is extensive amounts of geomerging and interlocking in this map and overall, it is extremely smooth ( I believe that I spent over 6 hours on one single double box to make sure that it was perfectly lined up with another box and make sure that there was no bump when you walk across it. Many would call this OCD but I call it positive motivation ^_^.
    I made this map in about 50 to 60 hours and I made it in about the course of a month from October 22nd to December 26th (give or take a few days.)
    The map includes about 12 rooms (not including the hallways or the secret room) It has a working fireplace and a fishtank and a shower down in the basement. The mansion has 3 floors and many places to hole up against the zombies.
    The map was made originally for a person that was very important to me but after I played a couple games of infection on it, I found out that it was really quite fun.
    Here is the weapons list for the map
    Weapons list
    Assault Rifle x2
    Battle Rifle x5
    Shotgun x3
    Sniper Rifle x3
    SMG x5
    Rockets x1
    Spartan Laser x2

    Plasma Grenade x3
    Spike Grenade x5
    Flame Grenade x2
    (Grenades are instant respawn)
    Trip Mine x1
    Regenerator x2

    If you like the map you can download it

    Front View

    Side View

    To the Upstairs

    TV Room

    To the Basement

    The Suite Balcony

    Master Suite


    Recreation Room

    Pools in front of the Mansion

    Kitchen Hallway






    So just download the map and give it a good look at!! Thx Everybody!!! -iTz Fuzzywig

  2. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    Fecking hell this map is amazing! You can really see how much time you've spent on it, the attention to detail is immence and it looks really playable. You definately have a download from me. Theres a possible feature here. definate 5/5.
  3. slipknot83

    slipknot83 Ancient
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    I'm almost speachless, this map is amazing. It's VERY well made. I don't have the attention span to do that. WOW. Really good its a very original mansion, house, etc. I like the suites and the layout even more. The only thing I think you need to do is put more things outside of the mansion like one of those big circular drive ways and a fountain, or a headge maze, or both! Oh, and can you put a picture of the secret room and its entrance?
  4. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Noooo.......^_^ Its a secret....Ill give you a hint- The way to get in is above your head
  5. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    #5 Master Debayter, May 25, 2009
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  6. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    omg, i have no idea where i got this map from but it is insane and i have had it on my xbox for ages. I think i remember finding it on bungie, when for a time i was forging houses and wanted some ideas I came across this, a masterpiece. I got the ideas alright but i did not want to copy them because of the amazingness and originality of this house. I remember thnking i had found the secret room bu i guess not! lol. 5/5, i wander what infection would play like. I however just liked looking at it and i believe that you should post this in the aesthetics thread aswell. I love this map absoloutely love it. nce more 5/5. Btw I loved the explosion fireplace, also where you have the fishtank i thought that was a fireplace and it works well because of the automatic respawning firebomb grenades and when you throw them at the shield doors (fish tank) it looks like a fireplace. Anyways, great interlocking geo-merging and overall great forging message me with any new maps!
  7. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    Oh and yeah..... I also have more maps on my fileshare of equal or higher quality if you wish to look at them.... I have 2 more mansions on there and a strip club so if you wanna check them out u can here
    I would have more but Bungie kinda of raped my fileshare indefinately so.....yea &_&
  8. Ahogan11

    Ahogan11 Ancient
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    wow man you really did go a very good job on this house you put a whole lot of detail into it and you can tell. i like that you have some new ideas that i havent seen before like the fish tank that was funny. You use man of the items and used them very well im gunna DL this and show some of my friends i really like the house and its probley the best one i have seen 5/5.!!!! well done!
  9. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    wow this looks like the best zombie map i've seen...ever!!! good joooooooob and i hope other people enjoy it too!
  10. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    This is a very good map, I have played on it many times with my friends. This doesnt however change the fact that this map has been posted 3 times. Making a new thread is as bad as necro-bumping your old one. Why not make a new map, you definatley have the ability.
  11. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Why have you posted this AGAIN? I've looked through your posts and you've posted the EXACT SAME MAP three times. Make a different version, or make a new map. Just don't post the same map three times.

    Now, I like the look of it, but after being posted three times, I'd had thought you would have made some improvements. It looks like a basic infection map, it's basically the same as the first versions, just now it has infection spawns. Mate, this map is good, but don't repost for reviews.

  12. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    This. Map. Is. Incredible. I honestly think that between the amazing attention to detail and the time spent getting every aspect perfect, it would be a crime to not download it. Oh, and that fireplace is simply epic.
  13. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    Damn you called it before me.
    Even though it's a nice map, no double posting please.
    If you're map gets popular, then it will get popular.
    Dont keep posting to get it some attention.
  14. Xicemike

    Xicemike Ancient
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    Awesome Map, I love how tightly packed it is. This makes it neat and fun, nice interlocking as well. 5/5
  15. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Nice job original ideas. I like te fish tank and I see that with all the interlocking and geomerging you spent alot of time on this. It looks like alot of fun
  16. slipknot83

    slipknot83 Ancient
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    I think i found the secret room, and this map is fun to role play on! I think you should make another one with more secret stuff and switches and stuff though. That would be awesome!
  17. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    Im not sure about making a new Legend Mansion but I'm about to upload to forgehub a mansion that I finished about a month in a half ago that is on Sandbox that is a lot like a fortress and is Geomerged into the large Sanddune for a lot of the stuff- I'll get around to uploadin it sooner or l8r =]

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OCD- yes. This looks amazing. My maps tend to be decent, but I would never spend more than 15 hours on a map. Good job on the fish tank. Its good that u used multiple layers of shield doors.
  19. I NBK Xen I

    I NBK Xen I Ancient
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    A lot of initiative and creativity has gone into making this incredibly forged map. Good concepts combined with clean forging equals an awesome map. Well done!
  20. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah... I really tried my best to make this map good

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