... Or are images a lot grainier on this site? When I look at people's sigs its like they sharpened them waaaaay too much. I'm afraid to use any effects on my sigs now for of the fact they may come out looking like a photo negative. Anyone else having this problem? Disscus
No, it's not my screen because this is the only site this happens on. I think it's probably just me noticing for the first time that people really over sharpen the sigs or something, because my new sig is perfect sharpness for me.
Sadfaic. I haven't been in this forum this year at all, and now I realise how shameful my sig is compared to other peoples' sigs. The site uploader is borken too. So I have bigger problems than grainy sigs atm...
You're being a bit egotistical. It's not that yours is the "perfect." It's that other people prefer a more sharpened style to bring more attention to the focal. You'll understand when you get better at signatures.
Um, wow. So it's called an OPINION! In my post I specifically said "TO ME (it's perfect)." To someone else my sig could appear sharper than a blade. I'm also probably the only person to whom other people's sigs appear overly sharp. It's not being egotistical for me to comment on this phenomena.
Yes, you're still being egotistical. Because you're calling everyone else's too sharp, and when you say yours is the RIGHT tune of sharp, you're saying yours is better. But I doubt you'll ever see it that way.
I understand what your saying, but I said that sigs look that way too me. So, in MY opinion, my sig looks better than other sigs on a scale of sharpness. It's an opinion. If you dont want me to have an opinion don't make an image for me juge based on personal merits.