Version 2 Download Phone is on hold. __________________________________________________ Phone is on hold. Not to be mislead by the name, this is a simple, yet chaotically fun minigame. It is similar to regular vehicle Infection minigames in its core mechanics, considering that there is one or two zombies trying to splatter a large group of humans, but that is where the similarities end. PlayersThe zombie drives a prowler. Yes, you heard me right, a prowler. The most underrated and underappreciated vehicle in all of Halo 3 has made a comeback! The humans are on foot and have 75% speed. Gametype Spoiler Change These for Small Parties Infection Scoring Zombie Traits Human Traits Last Man Standing Traits If you didn't read that, there is one important thing you should know. When playing in small parties, you should make: MapThe arena is a giant rectangle, filled to the brim with small blocks, which are moved by the prowlers as they splatter the humans. The blocks are set to never respawn, so as the game progresses, they slowly disappear. The less blocks there are, the easier it is for the prowlers maneuver and splatter humans. There are also four teleporters on the map, one in each corner. They take you to the center of the arena, where the prowlers drop in. These teleportals prevent you from being trapped in the corners of the arena, and also provide and easy escape from certain death. Be careful though, as the arena clears of blocks, you become more vulnerable to the prowlers. An overview of the map from the outside. Don't worry; it's inescapable. An overview of the map with the top layer removed to show the zombie drop-shoots. An overview of the arena. The humans spawn along the outer edges. The zombies drop down into the two open areas. A side view of the arena. The corner teleporters take humans to the receiver nodes randomly. A closer view of the arena. Notice that the receiver nodes are in the air. They can't be blocked. This is the zombie spawn. The teleporter takes him... He gets into the prowler and drives forward... ...and he falls down this hole. The humans spawn along the walls. This is what the arena looks like from the human point of view. This is what it looks like when a zombie drops into the arena. When a human gets trapped in a corner, or needs a quick escape, he takes this sender... ...and goes here. The two zombie drop-shoots are in the center of the arena, so as the arena becomes empty, this tactic becomes more dangerous. The blocks really restrict the movement of the prowlers at first, but as time progresses, the arena becomes emptier. What was I saying about empty? This is near the end of a round. But, while the blocks are there, they can be used as cover. A lot of cover can quickly become... cover, which almost always means... ...death. The Last Man turns black, but he soon dies as well. That's it. Have fun and watch out for those prowlers!DownloadsPhone is (gametype) on hold. (map)Version 2
Very original map, love the concept of it. Very simple, and that's what I like about it. I'll be sure to download this, good job. The only thing I would suggest for a V2 is maybe equipment like perhaps flares? Oh, and maybe make it cleaner.
Sotha Sil you finally posted this! Wow this was a ton of fun playing and testing this with you and everyone. Thanks for putting me in it! (I'm the commando elite behind the boxes who got f'd in the a. lol) It really was fun and hectic with the prowlers chasing after people as they scamper around trying to find some cover. The only thing I suggest out of testing is taht the last man standing should or could have increased speed so he has a better chance to avoid the prowlers, or poor camo to hide better, I don't know which. But it's a new, intuitive concept, and it has proven itself with fun, exilarating gameplay. 5/5. D/led. Oh and one more thing: why is it named Phone is on hold? What does this have to do with a pone? Lol its k. -Dylan
Not really a groundbreaking map, but the actual gameplay sounds really fun and original. If you need someone to test a V2, I'm in. Ima DL now : )
its an original take on an overused style of game, of which i am addicted to. this looks awesome, i love the cover idea, im guessing they dont respawn.well done man you have a download from me edit: whats with the name?
I remember playing on this one, it was extremely fun, quite balanced, not too long... Well, I would have played longer if I would not have been too tired to play xbox any more. It deserves a download, definitely. Prowler ftw! (fixed the "teleporter blocks box" problem?)
Nice idea! The clearing arena is very original. But what if the zombies camp up on top of the Prowler spawn? Are there Killballs or something? Also, where does the name come from?
It seems unique, and looks like a lot of fun. My only suggestion would be to do what you can to pretty up the map, and maybe make it circular to allow easier Prowler movement. I'll be DLing it once my 360 gets back.
rifte gifle Try flairs, deployable covers, and trip mines. PRSplayer42 I'll have to try your suggestions for the last man. I never thought of giving him poor camo. As far as the name goes, I'll have to put you on hold... Prodigious 7k I'm putting you on hold as well... Spartan7371 That will have to wait for the version 2. Imagine a circular arena, or at least teletapped teleporters. meltyourtv I've never had a problem with that; it's similar to the spawn system in Tremors & Mice. I may have to look into it though. I'm putting you on hold too... Flying Dice See the bottom of my post. I may add more aesthetics though.