Lighting on halo 3 is really cool in all how it shadows the walls and all of that but have you ever nitced that when you forge a map and include a completley closed structure, there is STILL light coming in. I think that bungie should fix this design flaw so that people can make blackout maps where the flashlight is a neccesarry part in a players equipment.
nice idea. that would be really useful for blacked out infection maps and would add on to the fear factor.
yeah its ironic that i used the term blackout maps because right after i posted this i went on and saw that the new maps name was blackout lol
The only problem is that Bungie won't fix that nor would they add a lighting option. we just gotta use what we currently have...
They talked about fixing it in the new maps. They were quoted as "and making sure the light maps work this time" or something.
yeah ur right about the flashlights but maybe... if we all went over to bungie and kicked them in the shin!!! then they'd have to fix the lighting issues right ??? Or maybe they didnt have enough batteries to run the flashlights??
Why wouldn't they add a lighting option? The grav lift produces a light so i don't see why it wouldn't be possible.
i Dont think that it should be an option as much as an environmental effect. it should be like when you cover something it will get dark .so you can make a dark" jail" thats completely enclosed
What I notice is that you are right, lol. The lighting is really not great, but self shadowing is B-E-A-utiful.
Its the very bottom paragraph of the Blackout topic. I dont know if it just means the map Blackout, or all new maps coming out. The lightmaps on Blackout would have been tricky. Its incredibly dark with a tonne of artificial light, so there will be loads of different shadows bieng generated.