Heroic DLC Old School CTF v3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by azn_dude1, May 25, 2009.

  1. azn_dude1

    azn_dude1 Ancient
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    [SIZE=+2] Old School CTF[/SIZE] v3
    12-16 players, Teams of 6-8​

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    Remember those days at school or with your friends and you guys would play Capture the Flag/Football/Object? You had to get the item from your opponents base and bring it back to yours for a point. If you got tagged, then you went to jail. If one of your teamates got to the jail and tagged you, then you would be free to go back to your side of the field. Well, I have brought this experience to Custom Games! Read on for more info.

    Now, many of you might be asking, how can you tag someone in Halo 3 when they're in jail? The method is by using a switch. A custom powerup (Spawn at start: yes, Respawn time: 20) is preventing a fusion coil (Spawn at start: no, Respawn time: 20) from reaching the jail box, which is floating in the air. If someone grabs the custom powerup, then the fusion coils travel up and explode against the jail, blowing up more fusion coils (Spawn at start: no, Respawn time: 20) and destroying two grav lifts (Spawn at start: yes, Respawn time: 10) that are preventing the prisoners from escaping through a teleporter. The teleporter brings them back to their side of the map where they can resume guarding or attacking theirs or their opponents' flag.

    The playing field is a modified Summer League Grifball Map, used only because of the perfect wall, effectively blocking off the non-arena area of the map. There are 2 "bases", with the switch mechanism in the back middle of each side, and a jail above each of those. The game consists of 5 rounds of 5 minutes each, 3 captures to win each round. Players spawn with energy swords. They move at 110% speed and have 110% shield recharge rate. The custom powerup traits give you a waypoint over your head for 10 seconds. The flag carrier has 150% damage resistance, deals 50% damage, moves at 75% speed, and has a 90% shield recharge rate. Flag return time is instant to deter those flag dribblers that try to move as fast as the enemy chasing them. Flag dribbling near a jail with opponents inside may also cause the flag to be returned if thrown.

    I spent many hours working on this map, and I tried almost a dozen variations before I could get the jail foolproof. Many adjustments were made to the switch mechanism until it worked 100% of the time.

    Now, for the pics, which you probably skipped to, but if you didn't read the above information, go back and read the second paragraph after you're done with the pics to see what the fusion coils are for.
    Note: These pics are from an version of this map. The only major difference is that the teleporters are upside-down in the current version to prevent teleporter blocking. Teleporter camping is still allowed and is a legitimate strategy. There are several minor changes, but those will become apparent when you download the map. In v3, you cannot escape from the jail anymore by pushing your teammates into the grav lifts.

    Where the players spawn in the beginning of the round.

    The gravlifts are on the weapon holder and push the players back, stalling their path to reach one of two teleporters.

    When you die, you respawn in the jail.

    What the switch looks like from the top. The mancannon pushing the fusion coil up is behind the bridge.

    Someone grabbing the trigger for the switch

    The fusion coil rises up and explodes against the bottom of the jail...

    ...blowing up 4 other fusion coils and destroying the grav lifts.

    The players rush out through one of two teleporters...

    ...and come out through one of two teleporters, not necessarily on the same side as they went in.

    Look and admire the 2 perfectly interlocked items in this timeless masterpiece of Forge. :)

    Now for some action screenshots:

    Blue team viciously tries to defend their territory

    All 6 reds are let out by a half-dumb blue team member.

    A red team flag carrier meets his doom trying to fight off 3 blue team members at once.

    I look at my energy sword with a feeling of wonder and awe as I think what this blade is capable of doing.

    If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to post and I'll get back to you ASAP. Remember to rate after you downloaded it!

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    #1 azn_dude1, May 25, 2009
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  2. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    this has been done before, and better. The original one was on the pit so it wasnt completely wide open, which is the biggest problem of the map. If you make a v4, you should actually add some cover so people can hide, which is the whole point of "old school" capture the flag, to be able to try and sneak past other people.
  3. azn_dude1

    azn_dude1 Ancient
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    Yeah I think TDHarding made one. I chose to make it open so it seemed like an arena. If you or anyone want to add some cover, feel free to do so.
  4. Ahogan11

    Ahogan11 Ancient
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    wow well this was a great idea i too rember as a child playing those games. i like how you brought it intt halo and how you make the jail work that was well done this would defently be a fun map to play on 4.5/5.
  5. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    I remember those games of capture the flag as a kid. This captures the main idea of that. The switch you made is very nice, the only suggestion I have is maybe to move the switch to maybe a side wall so that people have to choose; "free my teammates or go for the flag?" Like some of the others said, you might wanna add a little cover (just a little) just short enough so that one team cannot see the other players, unless they have the flag poking up over the cover. But those are just my suggestions.
  6. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    The map looks pretty cool, and the interlocking looks ok.
    Like a few others said, like with the middle I would make a maze or something in the middle, and just close off the side so no one can get out.
    I know you have enough items left ;].
  7. azn_dude1

    azn_dude1 Ancient
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    Maybe I should put 2 flags off to the side so you have to defend 2 flags at once? If I have time I think I could put something in the middle.

    Oh, and the download links are now working. I forgot to change them from the other thread.
  8. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Honestly i have to say that this is...........GREAT! i love the idea of the actuall CTF with the jails and everything, i just think that you should move the switch for the jail or the whole jail itself away from the flag so you cant get both on one run.

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