Stickwar v3 This map was made by MV PaNiKK(Me) and MV ReMiiX. It's an arena to play stickball in. The goal is to get 20 sticks first (25 if playing "Team Stickball"). When you first spawn, you are shot through man cannons (picking up grenades on the way) into a wall of teleporters that send you in one of eight different receiver nodes. This prevents people from spawn sticking you. Many grenades are placed throughout the arena, to ensure you don't run out of grenades. It's wicked fun to play with a few of your friends. If you download this map, you should download the variant as well. We've made a "Stickball" and "Team Stickball" variant, but I think "Stickball" plays better. The variants makes it so you only get points for sticking. Regular kills give you nothing, beat downs and assassinations are -1. Any feedback would be appreciated. Here are some pictures: Spawn Pictures: Download Links: Map : Halo 3 File Details Stickball Variant : Halo 3 File Details Team Stickball Variant : Halo 3 File Details
it actually looks like a pretty cool stickies map, but i dont really get the spawn thing, why dont just put spawn points in the area? it would make it a lot easier
As he said, it's just to avoid spawn killing. But even then, I think teleporters will be easier to spawn kill with. Why didn't you just have nade respawn for players? Overall, not too bad, but I can already imagine that being on the higher floor would give you a good flanking position, you probably should have just kept only 1 floor, but still kept the centre piece.
The point of the spawning system is to create a safe area for people to spawn in, and so people will enter the arena moving, preventing spawn sticking for easy kills. Also note that you do not span picking up grenades. That was from previous versions of the map on foundry where the arena was smaller, allowing us to place grenades on the spawn areas. And yes, this is an incredibly cool stickies map, and recommend everyone to download this map. It is funnest with 4-6 free for all, or teams of 3 or 4.
The top area does give an advantage, but the obelisks on the centerpiece make it difficult to cover any more area than just the corner that you are in. But the walls around the corner can make it easier for you to die, as they give no place for the grenade to go by you, while being down below out in the open, grenades that miss you wont drop next to you and kill you as often.
Grenade respawn for players would cause unwanted frags in the game, and i find it frustrating trying to stick people with frag grenades. It just doesnt work. It would be better if you could spawn with plasmas instead.
Awesome map. Just played with a bunch of friends from school, 'Twas a blast! Haha. 5/5 rewib65; you gave me a good laugh, I'm a vegetarian. XD
Nice map! Although it could be called "Dodgeball" by some, this looks like it would play better than most grenade-based maps. While providing cover and open spaces. This map is a 5/5 for a big game.
Personally, if I would ever make this type of map, I would put the reciever nodes in mid air so that the people can't step on top of the teleporters or throw random grenades at them, hoping that someone will pop through. Nice layout for a stick war map though. I might have time to test this tomorrow. I dont know. But I am pretty sure from past experience from other versions that it will play well. Nicejob
Nicely made, but the gametype needs to be fixed to be like 50% damage and 200% damage intake, so that you can only kill with sticks no regular kills and no beat downs.
If we were to do this then sticks would for some reason only count as kills and not stikcs, we have tried this though
It looks like a good amount of effort was put into it, and I honestly only have one question: Why didn't you just make the gametype with regenerating grenades? You'll get the occasional frag kill, but it won't affect the score, and overall is seems like much less hassle than having to walk over spawns to get more. Maybe I'm just nitpicking... Either way, I'll be DLing it.