Sandbox Fail Sands International Speedway

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by penguinmessiah, May 8, 2009.

  1. abc geek

    abc geek Ancient
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    this map is amazing... the first map that actually looks like you could play it with more than one person and it be fair... 5/5 u have my download...
    try and make it so you can play with racing gametype
  2. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    You said that it couldn't be used with the racetracks gametype? If it is becuase the goal movement is 15 seconds instead of 10 seconds I know why lol... 5 seconds doesn't seem like alot but it actually is... The asthetics are very nice on this map I must say and I congradulate you on your patients since you said you are not that great with skytracks =P

    Very nice spawn settings it definetly makes it more fair than just whoever starts out in the front automatically gets 1st place for at least a lap lol... although I'm not sure what you mean by that the skytracks are hard I think they are all pretty easy with a few exceptions if you want to get ahead of people like Drift turns which I love =)

    Yes I like Paramount and Cherry Kiss too lol although I like Both Sillouete and Back Burner better becuase it is like impossible to pass anyone on cherry kiss lol
  3. penguinmessiah

    penguinmessiah Ancient
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    You guys misunderstood my original post. My very first racetrack called Fail Valley did not work because it was on Foundry. This new, improved map, Fail Sands works just fine :).
  4. i2 hardcore 4u

    i2 hardcore 4u Ancient
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    K-razy Im sorry but if anyone complains they dont know how to forge.The map is as good as they come. I be surprised if it isn't featured!
  5. Scalpel Technique

    Senior Member

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    A long, long time ago me and some friends had alot of fun on a map called fail valley... This looks ten times better, I love the way you've used all the different items and colours to create asthetics, it looks like it has the atmosphere of a real racetrack. Can't wait to DL and have a race.
  6. xTuOx SN4K3BYT3

    xTuOx SN4K3BYT3 Ancient
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    This map is awesome man, i love the way youve used aesthetics in a racetrack, it kinda gives the feel of being in a stadium when youre racing i guess.

    Another good aspect of this map is the interlocking which looks very neat and there is walls around the full track to prevent falling, and the racetrack itself is wide enough to prevent crashing.

    Overall i rate this a 5/5 and i will most certainly be downloading it! Nice work
  7. trogdor orl

    trogdor orl Ancient
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    i still have the original one and love it, this is basically a must download for me!
  8. LordVurtax

    LordVurtax Ancient
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    There is no better simple lap track that is out there or could be made, well done
  9. xHBxSOLO

    xHBxSOLO Ancient
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    This map is beautiful, yet it is simple everything is done so smoothly. I wanna be pro like this when i make maps could you add me to your friend list my gamerstag is IxSOLOxl im eager to learn how to make crisp maps like this.
  10. eevilklown

    eevilklown Ancient
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    nice it looks like if halo made a nascar that would be a track
  11. HoW Jones

    HoW Jones Ancient
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    Best map ever. Seriously.

    PENGUINOCALYPSE, If you're interested, I've made a version of Fail Sands with Day/Evening/Night transitions via timed map events.

    Map download and screenshots here. : Halo 3 File Share
    #31 HoW Jones, May 25, 2009
    Last edited: May 25, 2009

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